Don't let the Japanese spammer trick you, such thing as Jomon doesn't exist. He posts the ones heavily shopped and surgeried, or foreigners that barely 0.0000001% of whole Japanese population. Lemme redpill you on how average japanese people looks like.
Don't let the Japanese spammer trick you, such thing as Jomon doesn't exist...
DAMN, the Japanese look like THAT!?
Please stop we need to be friends with the Japanese.
Bow your heads filthy Gaijin
Here comes next emperor Kako sama
No bully. She's delicate.
Fuck you Gaijin
Kako sama is in our side.
cute would bang
Taiwan girls are better
half those girls are perfectly fine
let me help you my friend
Femoids can't be emperors, divine blood or not.
japan doesn't allow female monarchs right?
this is the best/worst one so far
famous japanese akb48 idols
Yas Forums made me hate japan. Once I saw how desperate the schizo jap posters here are to be accepted by white people "D-DUDE I'M JOMON H-HA!" "D-DUDE I HATE THE CHINESE TOO BRO"
Cute girl
join us mate, post some ugly japs
The law currently doesn't allow female monarch but there were actually female monarch and the banning is due to the law not the Constitution.
There are highly chance of female monarch, a public opinion also approve of that