Now that the dust has settled, what the FUCK was their problem?

Now that the dust has settled, what the FUCK was their problem?

Attached: Viking_expansion.png (507x310, 109.2K)

We did nothing wrong.
We were forced to do it by Sami migration.




We did what we could, living in the arctic asshole of the planet. Life was fucking miserable up here.

Attached: we-wuz-vikings.jpg (680x485, 41.75K)

tell that to your ancestors who were too weak and inferior to conquer temperate lands and were forced to live in the leftovers.

>tell that to your ancestors who were too weak and inferior to conquer temperate lands and were forced to live in the leftovers.
They literally conquered Sicily.

Doesn't matter anyway. I would never want to live anywhere else.

>They literally conquered Sicily.
those were my ancestors not yours. yours were the weak ones

>those were my ancestors not yours. yours were the weak ones
No your ancestors where the ones with ADHD who couldn't appreciate the best land on earth. I don't envy them.

170 cm manlet lol.

That said, who's your favorite character of the Viking Age?

Birger Jarl maybe? Or Erik Segersäll

Harald Hårfagre. It is proven that I am related to him, like 30% of all Norwegians are.

Noemans were french. Shit map

For me it's Ingvar the Far-Travelled


>be really good at building boats but not good at much else
>other people, generally with weak and decentralised, have stuff you want
>steal it

cope, t. norman surname and viKING y-dna

The normans did. The normans weren't swedes

You're not a norman. You're not a viking. You're a mutt

nothing to rob at home like other countries did by robbing peasants by nobility so they robbed others

Right, Swedes only conquered Russia. But if you seriously think there was a difference between Norwegians and Swedes at the time, you're more or less retarded. We astill speak the same language and that was a thousand years ago.

Still, Swedes ruled over all of Russia, so if anything I'll associate myself with that tribe.

Scandinavians really have a very interesting history for such a remote and sparsely populated region.
I love reading about that period, it's incredible how far those men travelled and what they did in a time when most of Europeans rarely went further than a neighboring village.

For example Harald Hardrada's life is like a work of fiction.
I tried to explain why I like that period above. Keep in mind that Scandinavians back then very rather miniscule population. There were like a 100,000 people in Norway at the height of the Viking Age. It's pretty impressive how many greater-than-life figures they have, though I suppose it's partly due to their tradition to record a lot.

Thank you for your kind words about my ancestors. You are a big man.

>Scandinavians really have a very interesting history for such a remote and sparsely populated region.
>I love reading about that period, it's incredible how far those men travelled and what they did in a time when most of Europeans rarely went further than a neighboring village.
Yes they were couragous and adventurous in a time when most were just struggling to get food on the table. It's very inspiring to read about.

Harald Fairhair as he won the battle of Hafrsfjord and united Norway into one kingdom in 872

Attached: Harald_Fairhair.jpg (876x876, 313.67K)

white people are known savages who rape, pillage, plunder and destroy civilizations. Not much has changed in the last 2000 years really

The Chaos Gods commanded and the Norsca obeyed.

why are nords white yet ancient greeks and ancient romans are not white to you?
from ancient greek statues and roman statues what non white features you see in them vs their white identity?

Attached: augustus.jpg (550x705, 42.72K)

Germanic rapebabies who capitalised on christcucks


t. coping wh*toid with no culture
Romans and Greeks were med bvlls. Wh*toid savages only served as their gladiators for their amusement

Why would you ever take that post seriously?

>those vikings that became muslimized

Conquered and then after a few got btfo by local finns/slavs.
Then they got invited to rule. Big difference there

>I love reading about that period, it's incredible how far those men travelled and what they did in a time when most of Europeans rarely went further than a neighboring village.
Not really. The romans even used silk back then.
>For example Harald Hardrada's life is like a work of fiction.
It mostly is.

after a few years*