Why are white people so nice and docile?

Why are white people so nice and docile?

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i dont really like all the new people that are coming here because manu of them act so aggressive and some are violent

but theres nothing i can do about it so ill just have to live with this i guess :(

;_; i want to make u sit on my lap and pat ur head

high trust societies

thats kind of you ^-^

you seem nice

theyre responsible for the most wars and the most destructive wars

turks are white tho


i don't get it.

what is chon chon?

They are more docile than our blacks, Latinos and natives

But less docile than our Muslims, Indians and Zhang's

> T.dominican

Yessss :)

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being civilized and polite does not mean being docile.

that's ugly

i grew up in a place that was mostly white, but very impoverished and hopeless feeling. families werent normal, no ones grandparents did well, their parents the same, everyone poor and no chance of inheriting anything and or having a safety net, chance of education was low etc. because of that enviroment and mindset people were very aggressive and angry, lots of stabbings and shooting, a nrmal sight was seeing a pissed off man with a baseball yelling down the sidewalk and eventually bashing a car, and just hope police came soon because it would end in someone getting head bashed or shot by a rifle. lots of meth and crank use right in the backyards, so the close by grocery would get robbed often. it was a strange part of iowa i grew up in, and that was my initial surroundings so never trusted anyone. it was interesting when i moved to a richer city in a nicer state, suddenly i was embarrassed about me because it was obvious i was the low class one that everyone looked at out of the corner of their eyes.

low class is low class. asians are probably the best at being poor out of everyone.

I think all of the aggressive ones killed each other

True or false:
White people are docile but have a heavy hand when they snap.

Poor white communites in Confederate States are some of the worst places in America

I want a cute nordic bf so badly
are you cute?

>being civilized and polite does not mean being docile.

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> @122379137

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>I want a cute nordic bf so badly
>are you cute?

>Why are white people so nice and docile
Bump because curious

I think indians from certain chastes are even more docile

>I think indians from certain chastes are even more docile
Which castes? I need the info for a school project

White people have the most beautiful women.
No other race can hold a candle to the beauty of white European women.

Imagine how much seething non-white girls do when they are in the presence of a European beauty.

>White people have the most beautiful women.
>No other race can hold a candle to the beauty of white European women.

>I'm cute but already taken
Sounds hella gay, dds

They're cattle to us humans


I dunno, centuries of warfare on the continent tells me they aren't so nice and docile when they need to be.

So you're cute but already taken by a big black bull?

the touchy touchy caste.

Her English accent when speaking Hindi is really thick.

true, but that's because we usually take in higher iq immigrants but that;s changing with family reunification programs

i want a white daughter. why don't nordoids make many children?

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Depends on the whites. Scandinavians are a fake kind of nice while Dutch and Germans are more genuine
As for us Brits? We hate all you cunts

>Scandinavians are a fake kind of nice

dutch women are incredible

Why did you write that? Is there something wrong with my voice? ._.

N-no, keep em coming.

>keep em coming

The vocaroos, say something cute.