When asked about Brazil's increasing coronavirus death rate, Bolsonaro says "so what"?

What do Brazilians think about this? Do you still support Bolsonaro?

But on Tuesday night Brazil’s president shrugged off the news. “So what?” Jair Bolsonaro told reporters when asked about the record 474 deaths that day. “I’m sorry. What do you want me to do?”


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he will be the vaccine brazil need. They wont vote for the right anymore. Only for Lula and PT

Only stupid +40 yo conservatives still like him at this point, like my aunts and uncles.

This is a good sentiment, this CV hysteria is an overreaction.


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even my father who's a boomer from the navy thinks he's an embarrassment

So a small spike and nothing to shut down the country over?

Im still amazed this guy won the elections

I don't give a fuck about this bread and circus shit, what matters is that he lost his best minister and pillar of his popular support.

He doesn’t give a shit for political and to protect the economy and not worsen the country’s situation or he really don’t care about his fellow hue dying ?

Based Bergamo


Moro retard.

The reason it is a small spike is because the economy is shut down.


>“So what?”


>Five thousand dead Brazilians? So what? We got like a Brazilion of them.

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Yes, Moro's a retard, so what?

We mostly lost the old, fat and brown

I shouldn't have smiled at this.

They thought he's be the start of a right wing Renaissance but he's actually going to single handily hand the country to leftist for at least 30 years. Honestly poetic

There are a considerable number of people who still unironically support him.

Trump will probably win too because r*ghtoids are retards.

>single handily hand the country to leftist for at least 30 years
lol no, the left is still immensely stupid and telling you to vote on convict criminals, people are mad at bolsonaro exactly because he's betraying the anti-left to get buddy-buddy with the corrupt congress

That man is legit Evil. We had our share of bad politicians like every country but this one takes the cake cause he doesn't even try to hide it.


I’m so tired of this country’s politics to be honest. Bolsonaro was like our last beacon of hope but he just decided to turn corrupt. So honestly, as long as we have someone that can just get this country on its tracks again is fine for me. This country will never become a second South Korea, and that is mainly due to the fact that most of the population is mixed and the country doesn’t have a national identity built around it.

>Trump will probably win too because r*ghtoids are retards.
won't they all be dead by election time?

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this. bolsonaro could kill someone in live tv and his delusional boomer fanbase would still support him. i wonder what they will do after he's gone for good

>he just decided to turn corrupt
Are you that naive?

>corrupt congress
All of your politicians are corrupt to think that the right isn't is a fucking clown show and you were very gullible to think that Bolonaro had a shred of dignity he's corrupt to his bones juts like PT

No matter your opinion on the shutdown, I take it that you can understand how it would affect the spread of a disease and as a result the death rate connected to said disease.

yes that's why he thought some anti sjw try hard military dictatorship stan would SAVE democracy in Brazil

No, I had hopes. Sadly I can now finally see all of these politicians are just downright corrupt and I’m not turning up at the ballot boxes ever again.

No, your people just turned on him and set Lula free, proving that your country doesn’t care about corruption. Only leftist politics.