How is Iraq and Iraqi diaspora viewed like in your country?

How is Iraq and Iraqi diaspora viewed like in your country?

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as literal nobodys because they don't exist at all

Sorry about everything

We have a small bunch of Syrians though. They are ok as far as I know.

Real chads with massive throbbing cocks to match their intellect. Expect no less from the builders of civilisation.

We hate ourselves.

*expected. Sorry its that thinking about them made me all flustered

No one gives a shit about Iraq

it's rude to talk about yourself user

Luckily there are only 900 of them here, and looking at what they do in Sweden, Germany and Norway, I pray that this number never changes

or Italy*

criminals and terrorists that don't integrate

met a few very nice and intelligent iraqis, all sunnis from probably good familys. But most of them are stupid subhumans, especially the shia ones (and obviously kurds)

>How is Iraq and Iraqi diaspora viewed like in your country?
The only Iraqi Arab I've spoken to kicked me in the balls. So yeah. The kurds are pretty nice though.

>only 900 of them

That's surprisingly a lot, how are they treated?

Based Iraqi diaspora
ruining europe to revenge for invasion of Iraq

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>Based Iraqi diaspora
>ruining europe to revenge for invasion of Iraq
Nah, they're mostly destroying Sweden.

Which had nothing to do with the invasion of Iraq.

It's not a lot, they're only the 47th biggest migrant group, behind turks, egyptians, pakistanis, tunisians etc...
Nobody talks about them, even I didn't know we had any iraqis here before I looked it up
This is good because they aren't causing problems yet and if there are fewer of them hopefully they will assimilate

Kurds and sunni Iraqis are subhuman as well

there aren't any here

>and if there are fewer of them hopefully they will assimilate

Real Iraqis went to UK
kurds went to Sweden

they're angels in human form

Yeah better do what Sweden did
Fucking moron

Most of them are doctors who came here to study before 1990 and settled down in Poland afterwards (usually after getting married to a Polish woman), so they're rather respected.

wars lmao
>Iraqi diaspora
doesn't exist here

Should go back

There's too many here.
Young men always have zoomer haircuts and five o' clock shadow and skinny jeans and look like twinks.
Older men are always somewhat bald.
Women are either grapes or raisins depending on age.

Low iq goatfucking savages which need to be deported

He was talking about no admitting them you gigantic fucktard

Some guy opened a restaurant with the gates of babylon painted on the inside. Food was shit but it was neat.

Neutral I guess. We have some but not a lot and they seem less Allahu Ackbar than other muslim immigrants. My college had a nearby pizza place owned by Iraqis. The pizza was different but still good and they delivered really late.

So most Americans does not have a negative view of Iraq?

The other Poles said there weren't many and most of those came before 1990.

We lump them together with all the other MENA diasporas since most Swedes just see brown muslims and not much else. We tend to be afraid and suspicious of most of them

Iraq itself nobody knows about, so the State Dept. view is the default.

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Not really, I could see how the rest of the world might think we do but we kind of separate governments from people unless we have a lot of shitty people from there. The hatred of Mexicans is basically just the brainlet illegals here. Religious muslims are viewed with suspicion due to terrorism but normal ones are more a curiosity.

They smell like crap.

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