How does your local prison look like ?

how does your local prison look like ?

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Technically it's a psych ward for people who have raped/killed

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I spent 4 years inside Kumla (pic)

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Vafan gjorde du för att åka in i 4 år? Är du babbe?

It's 'how does it look' or 'what does it look like' not 'how does it look like. I see this all the time so wanted to say that

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This is pretty much what my cell looked like after the first 6 months.
The longer your sentence was, the more time passed, the more stuff you could request.
If you worked in the workshop from 08:00 to 15:30 you got 30 extra points everyday and that meant more money you could spend.
I spent it ALL on my education to become a "forest guide" (not sure the English term) but when I got out I started working for the county and I mark trails and keep it clear from fallen trees etc.
Nä, jag var en idiot och sålde knark. När farbror blå kom och slog in min dörr så var jag påtänd som fan, hade min brors laddade hagelbössa under sängen och slog en snut på käften så han däckade. Jag fick en rejäl omgång av resten då, vaknade i en cell i väntan på rättegång. Gick åt helvete rejält för mig. Men det var mitt eget fel.

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town's jail.

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It's a jail, not a prison

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I have a funny story of a friend of mine.
His father has done some silly things. Minor things growing up but a decent job and was good father.
He had a criminal history but nothing to serious (from what I have been told) anyways he got into a bar fight and smashed a guy in the face with an ashtray and got 18months in prison here.
My friend said they went to pick him up on his release date he made the family wait so he could finish a game of cards.

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Fyra år för det. Det får man ju knappt för mord.

Ja tro mig fan, det vet jag. Men allt before på vilken domare och rättegång man får.
Det är tur eller otur, inget annat.
Jag fick 6 år. Sex jävla år för det skiten, "hög chans för återfall" var orden...
Men som med allt så kom jag ut tidigare tack vare "bra beteende".
Hade en bekant som åkte in för barnporr, han fick bara 18 månader trots att han var djupt inblandad i den jävla härvan. Fanskapet borde fått en kulla i pallen direkt.
Är väl ingen ängel själv men inte fan går man så lågt.

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>Ja tro mig fan, det vet jag. Men allt before
Jävla auto skit.

>Hade en bekant som åkte in för barnporr, han fick bara 18 månader
Vet en som åkte fast jag med, hade nästan 2TB med skit på sin dator och hade spelat in massor själv. Gissa hans straff? 11 månader, fri efter 6 månader. Det är vårt land idag. Du gamla, du fria. Du idiotiska Nord.

My local prison looks like your's, because it is your's

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Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility is the closest one, it houses 2,000 men. Conditions are pretty shitty like most US prisons, I kinda feel bad for the inmates. Pope Francis visited it a while ago.

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based Ikea prison

>Ikea prison
Honestly, 8 months in and most of the furniture is from Ikea. About 22 months in and you get to choose from MIO and Jysk instead.

Ate at a place near there when driving back from Waterloo

Litterally called mount joy prison, how ominous is that.

Fun fact:
>The Mountjoy Prison helicopter escape occurred on 31 October 1973 when three Provisional IRA members escaped from Mountjoy Prison in Dublin, Ireland, aboard a hijacked Alouette II helicopter

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That's quite a complex.
Wonder which building is what

Technically the prison has just been moved out to another city. Prisoners were moved less than a couple of years ago and the last season of "stranger things"(for all you netflix fans) was recorded in it.

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I live by Leavenworth, there's also a separate maximum security prison for military offenders

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Hey looks like Atlanta federal pen

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