is there a biological explanation for this?
Is there a biological explanation for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty simple
warmer weather means you can survive easier
China is cherrypicked
it's mostly because in their countries have poor education and have a bad environment in general
and why do they have that?
Because all kinds of reasons.
Cultural, historical and geographical.
Poor nutrition
Before genetic determinists try to deny any environmental influence or education whatsoever
And better yet not only is intelligence varied according to race and national but also wealth and academic accomplishment of white families, so poorfags alongside certain white subethnicities and manlets are dumber
sino italian alliance looks a smart move according to this map
The theory goes that those humans who lived in cold climates had to be more intelligent and resourceful to survive than those in hot climates. The successful people got all the ladies and procreated while the less successful (and less intelligent) did not. Intelligence is significantly inherited and so each successive generation became smarter in cold countries.
and genetical of course, lets not fall geographical and historical determinism
But there is a cultural explanation deriving from a geographical explananation.
It really has to do with who is descended from Aryans and who isn't.
>hurr lets post fake data to make appear my country less of a shithole than what it actually is.
Nice try, Hungertindian.
>warmer weather means you can survive easier
>east Asians score higher
Almost like not being able to go to school will make you dumber.
Not biological but historical.
You disagree? We aren't talking about modern days here
Orientals are Aryans.
This is true though, historically, where was it easier to get food and survive, in the cold wilderness of Europe or in Africa where the food walks into your hut?
The IQ gaps are probably not as high as shown in the map from a genetic standpoint, much of the Third World suffers from iodine deficiency and malnutrition, which leads to stupid people who in turn cannot run the country, this negative feedback loop is pretty bad.
If westerners are so smart then why do they have retarded politicians
do you honestly think that in prehistoric times it was easier to survive in african steppe than in comfy medditeranean climate? theres reason why first civilizations appeared in nice climate zones
How convenient, such a powerful and scientifically acxurate moniker. I remember how some Nazi officers opposed their inclusion in Aryan society
They aren't retarded, they're malicious.
I'm not an expert on Nazis, I don't really care about them, but if some of them denied the fact of Orientals being Aryans then they were misinformed or dumb.
Hotter climates select for smaller brains while colder climates select for larger brains, and brain size is highly correlated with IQ.
Of course, it's possible they could have accepted the fact of their Aryan blood, but opposed inclusion due to other reasons.
This is dumb because because good = everyone wants to go there so...wars,migrations,social problems,new epidemics. Do you think you have to be smart to survive?
>brain size is highly correlated with IQ.
I wonder how Yas Forums manlets deal with smaller head circumferences
racial mixing with low iq white "people" and its consequences have been a disaster for the finno-ugric race. we'd have flying yurts by now
Implying african&asian politicians are ok
>founder effect and migration out of africa
>differing selection pressures and divergent evolution
>africans forced to physically mature earlier than euros due to fucked up environment, mentally development is therefore shortened
>neanderthal and denisovian interbreeding with european and asian humans (?)
tbqh desu I think the map would be more interesting if it only tested natives ie. aboriginals in australia, native americans in america etc
>indo-aryan of vedic peoples
How does that apply then?
It was racial
Orientals are not Aryans, why do Americans even spout this nonsense?
France, UK, Portugal and Belgium
northern europe was little more than hunter gatherers when the nile and hindu valley civilizations appeared, or when the scribes of Ur were writing literature
east asia has statiatically higher IQ, even on warmer climates, and if you check the background for a lot of the leaders of developing nations you'll see they had excellent education and upbringing most of the time
the hypothesis that climate and geography determine outcomes loke that has been debunked time and time again
He's probably asian-american and desperate to find inclusion in Yas Forumsmemes
Not everyone in the Orient is Aryan, no. There are Aryan Orientals though. Just like there are Aryan Indians, Aryans in the middle east, and Aryans in Europe.
why? this doesn't make any sense to me, surely those in the hotter climate are the ones that would benefit from larger heads (increased surface area for thermoregulation)?
it sounds like you're putting the cart before the horse
no, there's a socio-cultural one
also this is based on that charlatan lynn so i wouldnt pay any attention to it
which were more developed at the time by some miracle?
Perhaps, I have seen some Chinese with European features. However your earlier comment about intelligence being about how Aryan the country is does not fit in as East Asia is not very Aryan.
>no, there's a socio-cultural one
>i wouldnt pay any attention to it
of course you wouldn't you sub 90 IQ potato brain paddy
The only reason Africa has been the lowest IQ is because they have had too many days in the sun. There is no need in Africa for a family to have the IQ necessary to store food for long cold winters, thus Africa is the dumbest place on Earth
Yes, in your case is the galician blood
Aryan does not mean European. The majority of Aryans are non-European. Aryans mixed with many people, including proto-Europeans.
Why is east Asia smart?
Most manlets also come from poor income families because they can't afford their kids proper nutrition.
There's a reason why rich people are usually taller, healtheir and generally better looking
I'm shorter than my two male siblings, but also smarter...
all reasonable points expressed dispassionately and concisely