
betifol edition

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First for the brazilian federative republic

hate brazil

that's fine but to truly hate brazil you gotta be a brazilian yourself


The last one didn't die yet? Why is there a new one?

andy samberg

Attached: Andy-Samberg-Feet-3978390.jpg (1920x1080, 220.63K)

Is this the anime thread?

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Purely hypothetically, if you could destroy one US state, what would it be?

Chest hair is based


incest is my fetish but I'm not attracted to anyone in my family :(

There's also a lot of fat people, but I haven't seen any trannies

Solution: Make your own family

new york
without it, the entirety of the global economy collapses and we enter a new age of isolationism and based communism

Who would miss it?

They've had it too good for too long.

op here...
im from kansas city... :/

how did he do it buds

Attached: frida and diego.jpg (1200x1200, 150.6K)

This, but oklahoma

Started listening to shitty rap and I've started speaking more like what some would call "a nigger"

i mean look at that

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He was literally a cuck. Trotsky was smashing that pussy.

God, are they ugly.

this but i started ironically
now i say things like "bruh", "im dead", and "thas dirty bro"

I don't listen to music.

>tfw body hair is blonde so I look hairless
Both a blessing and a curse.

bet i have the thickest chest/abdominal hair of all of /cum/
fuckin forest down there bruh

Say my name, say my name

i dunno like cassadaga
and other things from bright eyes
and the gathering

whatever. things mean diff things for people.

Attached: https___hypebeast.com_image_2016_05_the-lonely-island-andy-samberg-saturday-night-live-finest-girl-video-skit-0.jpg (617x411, 46.34K)


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i am 21 years old and have no chest hair but i have a 20 cm cock and massive balls
what does this mean? it can't be low test because my libido is fucking peaking right now as well.


ALSO my dad has chest hair and im half black.... so what the crap bros........

libido has nothing to do with testosterone brain dead retard

Having a large dick doesn't necessarily correlate with high testosterone, just like body hair doesn't. Your genes determine that, primarily. You could be an incredibly high-T black dude, but have next to zero body hair.

>libido has nothing to do with testosterone brain dead retard

Attached: EWBuaO4UEAEFENR.jpg (828x1379, 82.67K)

i thought there was a causal link between testosterone and higher libido
also give me my well deserved (You)

Could've come from your mum's side I guess. Also show dick, I need proof on those numbers

don't blacks typically have significantly less body hair

okay heres an old one

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That is correct.
Like east Asians tend to have less body hair.
For whatever reason, Arabs and Europeans tend to be the hairiest.


>tfw grower, not show-er