english pride edition
Roaring at mark dropping his dinner actually made my day
time for your lesson brit
Finally, at age 28, I told my brothers to just fuck off.
tights and ting
All over the bastard floor
Manic Street Preachers
lads can you tell me if this is an okay email:
>A member of my group's been extremely elusive online for the past week. He's an international student and I understand his sister may be afflicted with the virus. I'm not sure this is enough to warrant an extension because I know he definitely doesn't have it but I was just wondering if we submit after midnight on Saturday, will we only get the 5% penalty or is the submission locked to not allow late submissions?
will he get angry at me asking this a day before the deadline or will be be sympathetic?
I sent that at 3am and reading it back I think it makes me sound cunty
I wish i could find the one where he drops the tea
formerly Timothy James Byrne
reckon i've got the alcoholism
literally can't keep alcohol in my house because i will drink it all
Top tier twinks are superior to females
Not debatable
too preachy
looks like a scuffed Amanda Knox
fucking gell
Sounds it, never seen that one
How about just sending it on time
dont have any ice dont have a freezer
so true
I feel repulsed with myself after it happens
and I've never felt any affinity for the girl even a split second afterwards. I just want to be far away from her.
Uganda be kidding me
how do you store your frozen dim sims and meat pies?
because a member of my group's been corona'd and he has all the important documents
makes you feel quite liberated though. nice feeling imo
dont know what that is
tell my wife I love her very much
she knows
Just went a bit too far with taking the piss out of literally every misfortunate thing to happen to me. Don’t mind bantering me about stuff that’s not a big deal or stuff that is actually funny or embarrassing which happens frequently enough.
want to kiss andy samberg
Ah ye olde Foxy Knoxy. I would. Even if it killed me.
ze ulteemate milankolic esscchhhperienshh iz ze escchperienshch of a loschhhh of deschhire eetzelf
Cursed thumbnail
watching korean esports
Nah, in the other one the cup falls on the ground
What are some good Switch games to play over lockdown?
Already have zelda, pokemon and goose game
the state of my room is absolutely embarrassing but cleaning it would take probably a whole day or more and i'm not arsed
The Planet is literally ending in minutes
remember this arc, was truly bizarre
Ever had a beer in the bath? It’s alright given the context
arrest them all
about time
>I understand his family might be dying but I dont believe that's a justified excuse to inconvenience me
fucking state of you
Tonight's film: The Exorcism of Emily Rose by the Coward Robert Ford
what do you mean "remember this arc", it wasn't even a year ago and it was the most memorable thing he's done to date
Fucking bored. Pub doesn't open till 9 Sun-Wed.
Never been in love mate?
Splatoon 2 until you’re playing during Japanese hours
just saying innit lad
/brit/ posters pretending they have sex and gfs will never not make me laugh
I didn't notice this at 3am you see.
brain turns into mush
She's good looking enough that I don't really care how she behaves up to and including murder
for me its blemmin zoots in the bath
fuck up
Sounds hilarious
Mario Odyssey, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 1 & 2, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition when it gets released
asinine post
A few of them do. Not many.
I've thought I was several times
but then I coom and realise I'm not
Can you even IMAGINE this being attempted in Britain? We can barely even get a high speed rail track built while the Japanese built theirs in the 60s
i legit have a gf. recently celebrated our 1 year anniversary.
Haven't felt a true connection with another human being since 2017
can't believe tranners think they could ever have actual feminine charm
More of a Ninetales man myself
What the fuck was the point in calling it “Lucky Number Sleven”?
In fairness they did start from scratch
Fair enough. That moment when you bust and then look at the girl and just want to lie there with her happily is life affirming.
Good to hear it mate. Hope quarantine isn't causing any issues.
Couldn't handle a tights gf. Would just end up ripping them and trying to fuck her before she eventually runs out of tights.
You can literally drive from one end of the UK to the other in a day. No real need for shit like that.
this is the kind of shit billionaires should be investing in instead of sitting on their wealth
are greta lads
Rorke hurtling down a hyperloop
Gran had a fall and broke her hip so needs an operation, she's 95, what are her chances lads?
What’s happening wasters
How many billionaires take the train?
What part of Australia should I move to when this all over lads?
Married to a trad girl who was a virgin when I met her, she was also the third virgin I slept with and I’ve only slept with virgins. The hilarious part is there is no way anyone on Yas Forums who would believe me
Looks like some fly eyes to me
Even if they did build one it would just link West London to East London or some shit
business idea: hyperloop bollock smasher
very funny
No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space.
mental how any girls who is even remotely attractive has at least one fuckbuddy
cannot fathom the minds of people who want to drop £37bn so the train journey from Leeds to Manchester takes 32 minutes rather than 48 minutes
Nice call back, I like it
Alice Springs
Not being funny. If you were talking about a hypersonic corporate jet i could see billionaire interest.
le thin hair chin girl
did any of you see Die Welle?
>The hilarious part is there is no way anyone on Yas Forums who would believe me
nice lampshading
It's a hurr-durr project.
if you're a tarq, sydney
if you're leftypol, melbourne
if you're a contrarian, perth
if you're a virgin freak, adelaide
if you're based, brisbane
Don't underestimate the Northern Powerhouse pal
Why do Indians insist on launching space rockets and trying to build hyperloops (;pay White people to build one), when their country is literally a toilet with enormous poverty?
Lampshading? *checks urban dictionary*
you think people only invest in things they plan to use in person? no ones brain is that feeble mate, stop horsing around
Britain is a shithole run by torys
Not enough sniffs
Now you’ve done it.