Culture Pals /cp/ general

You look so god damn beautiful x) edition

WELCOME to Culture Pals
Tired of quarentine?
Want to practice your Chinese?
Thinking about traveling and getting a qt to show you around?
Want to have autistic conversations with equally autistic girls?
No need to search more. JOIN

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:!QgY0QCaR!w6gTFL2egnqpOgzHeIPXjw

qtcrawler script:

Attached: 1588087406885.jpg (619x527, 69.42K)

Anyone else getting an Unspecified error when trying to create an account?

Attached: 1584585539650.jpg (640x356, 25.48K)

Maybe mods are thinking you're creating a fake profile.

I forgot my 5 years old account logs and now can't make a new account. How the fuck are Ghanean bots still getting in while I'm stuck staring at my screen, not being able to shitpost with qts all quarantine long

Attached: 1581907672367.png (254x295, 85.89K)

I just saved all the voice messages I got from my qts.

Attached: 1536870977784.jpg (361x293, 17.68K)

Still safe to use the Python script?

Guys, how do I take good pics?

Who is the guy in OP's pic?

That would be me

Why are you a meme

Why aren't you?

>qt was online 1 day ago
>write initial message
>never comes back online again

wtf is up with all those russian girls looking for greencard or money? holy shit cant talk to even one of them without them trying to seduce me


Ah finally, I was thinking about making one the other day.
Thank you.
>Tfw no 1st world gf

bump 4 kqt

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How do those scripts work exactly? Will they help me get an Yas Forums gf?

imagine having nordic qts. i am realizing why rich celebrities marry to equally rich celebrities


Hey guys I was talking to talian girl, who sent me nudes but then I found out she has a boyfriend. Should I send on his instagram everything about his cheating gf?

wait...korean flag isn't M? wtf

Yes but try to PM him on Instagram and post the results here.

post the noodles on /s/ and link them here

Why is talking to german girls like talking to a brick wall?

>Why is talking to girls like talking to a brick wall?

This is her. Do you really want nude of her?

Attached: micha.jpg (469x590, 63.13K)

This is her and bf. He doesn't even know he is being cucked by korean guys lmao

Attached: micha2.jpg (586x442, 38.23K)

Tell him already, who gives a shit about nudes from a cheating cunt

Attached: 1507797084353.jpg (640x619, 96.3K)

ok but where's kqt tsundere??