Who would you save?
Who would you save?
Me :)
My white mother
Donald Trump
This guy's mother, but only if she's cute.
He isn't white, orange boy.
A cute guy, so he would be my bf.
She's in her mid 50s
Years down the line after seeing the mistake of their ways suddenly I shall become the centre of the new white preservation program
the german guy who goes to my uni
Who's a cute white boy so I can keep him as a breeding slave to create cute halfies?
But whitebois can't bear children no matter how cute or how wide their hips are.
He'd be kept as a God of my new world, where he'd breed with all sorts of races to make cute halfies.
But if he's cute, I'd breed him as well.
can she cook a mean mac and cheese? this matters a lot
And if the the roles of blacks and whites were reversed in that post, then all hell would break loose.
>she thinks whites would lose
Felipe, of course
The nu tranny felipe is ugly
You think 15% of the world can take over the other 85%?
>*Sigh* The double standards us straight white male gamers go through, it's okay for mommy to sell my games and comic books but imagine if I sold or killed her because my game waifu told me too then I'd be considered much worse with this situation than it would be the other way around... sigh I'm sick of the gynocentric matriarchal world run by women and minorities whom not only do I hate but they're even getting with eachother! I saw a PoC in my videogame, this is white genocide.
okay but do you deny its true?
It’s 10 actually. We would side with most of the Asians, East Africans and probably the Latinxs as well.
>she thinks anyone would succeed in pettily setting Americans against one another based upon something as pathetic as ethnic makeup
That's hard to believe. 56% white in the US is 190M whites. 80% white in Europe is 600M whites. Add let's say 100M white people in places all over the world and you have 900M white people. World's population is 7.5B. That's... 12%. Huh.
he is cute and belongs to finnish BVLLS
but all Finnish BVLLS would be dead and he could only suck BBC