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my favourite was the one where an older french gentlemen was complaining about fucking shrimps ruining the country and robbing people while his daughter was yelling that "using the word shrimp instead of nigger doesn't make it less racist"

why do arab girls love bbc so much bros

this is the funniest one

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Could he pass as a local in your cunt?

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just joking idk what it says



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Only in London.

From the /mena/ thread i think he is an arab incel that rants about arab girls getting blacked?

White guy
>Stop bothering me sir. Go back and smoke drugs in your ghetto
>You are a mean racist
Arab guy
>You will never be my equal. Come to my country and you will be my slave
>Stop I am a human being too
Latino guy
>Don't come looking for friendship here or else it will cost you dearly like your brothers in California
>Relax. Why so much hate?
Asian guy
>You will never be Japanese. You will always be a foreigner in my country.
>That's not nice. I even love your culture.
Nafri guy left
>What's up buddy? Do you want to play football with us? We need an extra man.
>I'm really your buddy? Finally someone who accepts me
Nafri guy right
>I was really naive, I should have never trusted them.
>Don't be frustrated brother, we're all Africans.


"what did we do to allah to merit daughters like these ?"

"i like your kid's haircut, it's swaggy af"

"your daughter makes me laugh. she dances like a grownup"

"look mom am an airplane"

"let's go mohamed. hurry your ass up or you won't get a break"

"yes sir. i hate this job but i don't have a choice. with my next paycheck i'll buy a princess' dress for my little yasmina"

"no yasmina i don't approve of this. i would rather you marry a man from our community"


"You've got no heart mister..."

"Have this my brother ! Take this weapon and free our country of invaders"

"Thank you sister. To our independance. some arab shit" (this is a scene from la bataille d'alger, great film)

"here sistah i brought you a hairdryer. you can finish your hairdo"

"cool ! i'm gonna be all beautiful to dance the way way" (a dance some gay arabs do)

"yasmina dump samir he don''t deserve you. marry my brother boubacar you'll make a beautiful couple and you'll have beautiful mixed race babies like those we see on insta""

"oh really ? but samir is supposed to come thursday to ask for my hand in marriage ! on the other hand you're right. mixed race babies are too damn swaggy !"

"thank you fatou. the magrebine is mine"

"so yasmina ? what's it like to have kids that don't resemble you ? you used to laugh at my hair when we were kids ? and now look your kids resemble me like two droplets of water !"

"i've been played like a fool..."


why do they put arab and nafri as separate?

>the way way" (a dance some gay arabs do)
Post it

I think Narfis see themselves as different from Arabs.

Merci beaucoup

In all fairness, they are quite different to arabs from places like saudi arabia and Jordan

It's relevant here I suppose because Arabs here specifically means the Gulf while Nafris in this case are Algerians/Moroccans in France.

Yeah. Some French guy posted this in one of these threads a while ago youtube.com/watch?v=Fe-qosM_i9s. He goes ballistic about mixed couples. You have such memorable lines as
>Blacks tell me "do the same with our sisters"
>But your sisters are radioactive, we don't touch them even with a stick
>Your sisters with the wigs and the whitening cream
>By Allah I prefer to go to Mykonos and dance around with Greek sodomites than touch your sisters

He's right though. 90% of black women are repulsive, while the men still do fine with women of other races. Only mixed black-white/else girls have high chance of being good looking.
If you were to swap sisters there's a 99% chance you get the worse end of the deal.

i think it's this shit. it was another user that explained that way way cartoon to me though

One time I was bar-crawling with a friend and we ended up shitfaced in a jazz garden. I think it was African dance night or something because there were around 20 black couples there. That was the most black people per square meter I ever saw in Bucharest.


This is a mean spirited caricature!

Bassem got beated the shit out in february, that nafri inbred has been quiet since then.

I saw something similar in the "related videos". Also saw someone mention him being a in a coma in one of the comments. It's telling that even in the clip I posted he's already missing teeth.

Unironically yes