Your cunt

>Your cunt
>If you could kill every single person outside your cunt, would you do it?

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outside your race is a better question

There are no races

imagine a world of only balkanoid gyppos

Italy is more similar to balkans than Slovenia

>If you could kill every single person outside your cunt, would you do it?
>If you could kill every single person inside your cunt, would you do it?

No I wouldn't let you do that

Go back

this is AoT in 2020? wow

of course yes

Yes, I will follow in Eren's footsteps

What? Is this an implication that "races" do, in fact, exist? Are you mentally handicapped?

Eren sucks
Annie and Reiner is right

Yes! Did you watch the latest season?

What do Japan people think of Shingeki no Kyojin?

if we kill our enemies, will we be free?

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Nah not really. I don’t want to harm Japan. Would end Russia though as well as all of Africa, India, Middle East , Latin America, USA and France.

Obligatory and ironic response

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>Would end Russia though as well as all of Africa, India, Middle East , Latin America, USA and France.
And what did Russia, Africa, india, Middle East, Latin America and USA do to you?

ching chong

watashi wa finishu ga no spiiku desu


Of course not, world would be a boring empty place.

What if every country wanted to kill your people?

No but I'd most definitely wipe out the entirety of the middle east.


why eren is transforming into a nyc metro station

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>every single person outside your cunt
That's not enough. Not even remotely

Baka ka? Aitsu wa Isuraeru wo zentai teki ni shimeshitte iru

would rather kill every single person inside my cunt

bruh same

