>58,000 dead
Literally more than the number of burgers who died in Vietnam.
>58,000 dead
Literally more than the number of burgers who died in Vietnam.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish more americans died in vietnam
The number of deaths per million is still pretty low compared to Spain or Italy
>people still trying to force per capita as a useful measure
>"So-so what if the Coronavirus killed 58 in a few months? The flu kills 50K in a year!"
>"Every death is being written down as Coronavirus? The hospitals need extra payments from the federal government!"
>"The weak need to be purged"
What are your favourite american corona protest slogans?
Americans really do love capitalism.
More people die from the flu in America on an average year
>it's ok applying per capita to other things though!
t. Anders Tegnell
It's true though
The numbers are made up and most likely over-exaggerated
>What are your favourite american corona protest slogans?
"Profits before people"
>The numbers are made up and most likely over-exaggerated
You fuckers reported like 8 time as many heart failures in March 2020 compared to the last few years and now you say the numbers might be inflated? lmao
that's the same commie tranny that in a few months will be whining about unemployment due to the lockdown
This is the same brownoid that has been spamming the German president's remark about lockdowns not going on indefinitely.
In 2 weeks or so he will be on here defending his governments decision to allow tourists from Wuhan into Greece
Why the spike in deaths? What else is causing significantly more people to die than normal?
You realize only 60,000-65,000 are going to die, right? We're only a few thousands from the deaths completely stopping.
He is a well known pajeetoid/araboid commiecuck spammer
They can just fudge the numbers until it gives them 65k. It's not that hard and most likely what they're doing already
More than 100.000 Vietnam veterans committed suicide after coming back "home".
the only true thing will be your grave useless mutt
Good of you to assume shit, too bad you're wrong.
I'm talking about you.
Or maybe they want to be able to afford rent when the freeze ends instead of being homeless?
>upwards curve
so why did you escape to canada then billybob?
Pretty sure they already are. Canada locked down before the US, and our protests are minuscule. We've only had 2 so far, and one of them numbered 200 and the other numbered 50. When they were in the streets, people threw eggs at them. And our numbers are still high.
But in the US, you have protests numbering in the thousands everywhere. But somehow, the cases and deaths are dropping. Pretty bizarre.
In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”
wish they shoot up schools before killing themselves
if you take in consideration that our deaths are almost all in the norf our number should be 3-5 times higher than what is shown now
The bleach injections cured all the coronavirus cases.
ok tranny
it's just the flu cuck get over it
20% of people in New York state tested positive for covid19 antibodies and millions didn't die. It's a scam faggot
In 2021 the USA will most likely publish the total deaths of 2020 and you can compare this to the numbers of the last few years and see the actual amount of people who died to Corona.
Even though this isn't accurate either it's better than relying on state propaganda and testkits wasted on dead people.
Yet in other threads you post that German president in his wheelchair saying that one day people will need to go to work again as if it's a bad thing.
You're like those 'China lied people died' freaks who at the same time think Corona is a hoax. A Yas Forumstard.
That's not me retard. Keep clapping for healthcare professional "heroes" twerking in hospitals during an alleged pandemic
Every factory and shop is as good after this crisis as it was before. The recovery would be fast and swift if not for debt and interest slavery. A temporary inconvenience.
I'm not clapping for anybody. You better start working on your sisters make-up for when the tourists come back
They should die the number of the Japanese who were killed by the fucking Americans during WW2.
That can be the tribute to them.
unless those deaths go into hundreds of thousands/millions i doubt this will be reliable either
there are also other type of deaths that lowered, like car crash stuff thanks to the lowered traffic, and obviously work related death
those aren't an incredible amount but enough to make all the data mostly unreliable
you are right tho, this is all useless talk until we see the data next year
And thats a good thing.
t.gypsymongol mutt
Most people suffering have useless jobs that shouldn't exist anyway.
>tfw Democrats were right about healthcare all along.
Yeah no shit. It only exposes the most fragile and garbage parts of the economy. Like I give a shit about fucking waiters and people who wanted to make an easy buck selling cappucino with a heart in it to day tourists
Death rates will be elevated regardless because of the lockdown. Hundreds of thousands of people are not getting their routine healthcare because all the hospitals are locked down for everything except flu patients and very critical operations. There have probably been thousands of preventable deaths but we will never know
kek these yanks lose a couple hundred jews during 911 and make a big deal out of it and now they lose 58k and call it a nothingburger
What? Speak properly.
>Nearly 1 in 7 people in New York who were randomly tested for coronavirus antibodies turned out to have them, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today (April 23). In New York City, the number is even higher: About 1 in 5 people tested positive for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2.
So how many deaths in New York city so far?