/v4/ + Turkmenistan

Nguema edition

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doing a trami at the moment

ok done doing a trami


best czech song

Why did you let my awesome thread die?

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Forgive me I wasn‘t paying attention

last 3 threads were shit just like this one

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Why do i find MEA girls so attractive? Long dark hair is really attractive to me ngl

Im ugly incel rat

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Lebanese women are really hot
Tall, olive skin, long legs, proportionate faces
Phoenician blood runs strong in them

Yeah this essentially

Men from this region tend to be pretty ugly, but women are something else

>when you feel up your hemorrhoid while wiping your butt

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thunder and lightning in the distance
good, these past couple of weeks have been to dry, there‘s a drought going on

it was raining earlier here in Varshava

blessed post

It was raining.

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>dad asking mom why I don't talk to him lately and seemingly avoid any interaction with him
ah just what I needed, more depression

Women are so hot
I‘m boutta
I‘m boutta


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what is it

After we‘re done exterminating ticks cats will be next
>Outdoor domestic cats are a recognized threat to global biodiversity. Cats have contributed to the extinction of 63 species of birds, mammals, and reptiles in the wild and continue to adversely impact a wide variety of other species, including those at risk of extinction such as Piping Plover. The ecological dangers are so critical that the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists domestic cats as one of the world’s worst non-native invasive species.

Do muslims next instead

But muslims are based, they keep their femorrhoids in check

is that a bearded dude in a miniskirt?

You dislike women?

She‘s wearing a mask

Dislike would be an understatement

that's pretty much every shitting for me
my hemorrhoid is so big and wrinkled that wetting my finger and giving my asshole one last rub is the only way i feel clean

it's the reason i had no problem getting hand sanitizer for corona, i keep disinfectant and a nail brush by default

Why don‘t you get surgery?

made nutella with 90% nut content

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stay mad

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Guys, I feel sad after eating lunch with her, I feel sad because I feel I'm unable to make her feel the same way I feel about her, just as friends, not even talking about how I feel romantically about her.

there's a not negligible chance surgery causes retention problems
so until it makes normal life impossible, i'll just put up with it

I had cca 12 cats and I've never had toxoplasmosis.

She doesn‘t see you as a friend?

however I got fleas, atleast 4 kinds of worms and ticks from my dogs

the real route to a lady's heart is trough a Datsun 240Z ladder

She sees me as a friend but I feel I like her much more than she likes me.
I guess it must be that she is more sociable than me, so she's used to having lot of friends and met many more people than me, so it's harder for me to be surprising or impressive to her.
And she doesn't seem to appreciate my pursuit of strength, it's like she can comprehend it so she doesn't value that either, which is probably the only thing I'm impressive in.