anime is a mistake edition
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I agree
Shit flip(mkl) OP
wibu anjing
Cope groids
Where's ayen(penis)
shit thread, OP is a cringe nigger.
based, no more shitty gross cow tits OP
>Philippine Politics
is good
>All these weaboo(self)-hating LARPers
Is gay
why malayposter here mostly composed of faggots?
>t. Chinkweebs
Indogs as well
/asean/ OP is a faggot edish
This african-filipino here can get a qt gf
So why can't you?
anime is fine but cuteposting are cringe
i don't have rari's
Everyone here is gay desu
Remember these threads?
>mfw indog replying to my post on other board
As we continue to suffer the china - duterte alliance virus
Spreading misinformation during the pandemic? No problem!
Attending a mass gathering during a lockdown? No problem!
Being a waste of taxpayers' money during a crisis? No problem!
Just accept Duterte as your one true lord and savior, and reap the rewards!
DDS applicants must be rich, powerful, and/or have a large following to fully enjoy the benefits. Otherwise, immunity to the law is NOT guaranteed. No approved therapeutic claims.
>Fuck annimays
>Fuck mudslimes
bro you don't know what you're posting
delete that right now
Unfair, he has big dick.
T. Kdrones weebs
i'm not muslim, tell me what he posted
that's just moses story with a bad handwriting
>african filipino
Imagine being short, dumb, and violent
Sure it says
>"Reply to this post or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight" in Arabic
This. Vidjakol doesn't do it anymore.
Eh kung tirahin nalang kita sa pwet
>tfw pumayag na gf ko magpatira sa pwet
>tfw lockdown
one (1) good girl is worth a thousand (1000) bitches