Why haven't any of you learned our language?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Scotland.svg.png (1200x720, 5.49K)

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Fuck off, No one gives a shit. You post this thread every other day.


Because not even most of you bother learning your own language

Does Scots really qualify as its own language?
It's like English pidgin.

Completely false.
It isn't like "pidgin English".


>be op
>google easiest language to learn for english speakers


Based and truthpilled

I dannae want to learn

Cymraeg is superior, it's most utilitarian language ever, in army they use it because it is easy to learn and quick to speak but uneducated enemies will not know it because it is obscure. And we still talk it, within 50 years i think that the majority of wales will speak welsh

Attached: welsh flag.png (1200x720, 190.55K)

Ii's a dialect, lmoa imagine actually thinking Scots is a language

Cymraeg more like cumrag

I would consider it if there at least was anyone who could teach it :/


Freedom for Scotland and Catalunya

Good luck with that bro. Why don't you at least try to bring Valencia and the Balearic islands with you? Catalunya is tiny.

I can teach.

wales is nice.
crazy how it used to be spoke in just about all of Britain but now is only really in the country side of wales.

Cool, if I post a vocaroo recording, could you help correct my pronounciation?

Valencia is shabby and Balerians are uninteligible and very into Partido Popular. They both feel more Spanish than anything else. Just Catalunya.

>Valencia is shabby and Balerians are uninteligible and very into Partido Popular.
Huh weird, I thought you spoke similar dialects?

if you give me the text.

Ok, if you wait a minute or so while I record. It's a Burns poem.

Catalan is not a dialect, is another Romance language like Italian, French or Romanian. Catalan is even recognized by the Spanish Constitution. Valencià and Mallorquí are dialects of Catalan.

what about aragonese or is that Valencia?

Just a few people from Aragon speak Catalan, specially those from La Franja (border with Catalunya). Aragonese people are not Catalan at all.

I meant is Aragonese a language?

Very, very few people speak Aragonese. Less than 15K probably. It will extinct soon unfortunately. If it was a sort of Catalan dialect, Generalitat de Catalunya would invest millions of euros to preserve it. But it's not, I don't know how people from Zaragoza see this, but I relate Aragonese with very old people from the countryside.

Scotland is not a real country; you are an Englishman with a dress!


My seven braw sons for Jamie drew sword,
But nou A greet rood thair green beds in the yird;
It brak the sweet heart o' my faithfu auld dame,
There'll niver be peace till Jamie comes hame.

Yes I know, I just didn't know those dialects were so different from each other.