Are they friends?

Are they friends?

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we have no clue of what happens in the other 3 countries

Yes. But Morocco and Algeria hate each other.
Tunisia and Moortugal are loved by their fellow maghrebi people.

No, we are family

I honestly have no fucking idea what the other countries think of us.

i hate portugal

They hate Portugal for being the last bastion of Christianity and eternal defender of Evropa.

Hey this post is really funny, because it insinuates that portuguese people are genetically and/or culturally maghrebi. This, of course, is false and has been largely debunked by several genetical analysis which have found that Portuguese people are, in fact, almost exclusively of European descent.


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Yes, because i'm not a mentally ill person that hates people based on their nationality. Unless they are american, in which case, i hate them automatically

Tunisia is Algeria's best friend.

Algeria and Morocco are not friends.

Tunisians, Algerians and Moroccans don't think about Portugal.

only with Tunisia

Attached: tunisia.gif (360x403, 3.82M)

like half the portuguese here behave like arabs the other half hate them in my experience

semitic nose

the portuguese immigrant in france is pretty cringy, especially the ones that come here in the summer to blow the money they made as construction workers or toilet cleaners

100% suebi?

Don't listen to him, he hates Portuguese for some reasons.

>Algeria and Morocco are not friends.

Spain and Morocco.
France and Algeria
Italy and Tunisia
??? and Libya

they envy us for having a culture and history unlike them who were created by france

i only wish the worst for algeria as a country
however algerians in france are my brothers
tunisia is too irrelevant to be cared about

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meme map

>??? and Libya
Tunisia and Libya, they belonged to us at some points of time. Or Italy if you are talking about 20th century.
That's an aquiline nose not a semitic nose.


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>caucasian (white) pre historic shared

guess these anatolian/syrian neolithic farmer is also "asian"

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We have no much relation with them, or we have same as we have with Indonesia or Peru.

We are pretty much the same as north italians and spanish and s french. And of course not close or related to magrhebis

Attached: -ct_genetic-pcar10211ishsDNAt2-pca_-e-genetic_1hyz_8df00_v10-c911n3---7v_v2z-21s-s224.jpg (1564x791, 175.67K)

>caucasian (white)
>pre historic
no for the most part
no it comes from africa
>these anatolian/syrian neolithic farmer is also "asian"
That's west asian admixture, nothing to do with anatolian farmers who make up 50% of your genetics


Yes, or do you think that ancient berber populations or egyptians were subsharans, lmao they were caucasoids ofc. (imge related)

>no for the most part
Oh yes for the most part, do you realize we have sampling from the chalcolithic iberians donĀ“t you? ages and ages before any muslim set foot in europe.

>no it comes from africa
Wrong, north africans got literally bleached constantly by neolithic iberian and middle eastern farmers

>>Early Neolithic Moroccans are distantly related to Levantine Natufian hunter-gatherers (~9,000 BCE) and Pre-Pottery Neolithic farmers (~6,500 BCE). Although an expansion in Early Neolithic times is also plausible, the high divergence observed in Early Neolithic Moroccans suggests a long-term isolation and an early arrival in North Africa for this population. This scenario is consistent with early Neolithic traditions in North Africa deriving from Epipaleolithic communities who adopted certain innovations from neighbouring populations. Late Neolithic (~3,000 BCE) Moroccans, in contrast, share an Iberian component, supporting theories of trans-Gibraltar gene flow. Finally, the southern Iberian Early Neolithic samples share the same genetic composition as the Cardial Mediterranean Neolithic culture that reached Iberia ~5,500 BCE. The cultural and genetic similarities of the Iberian Neolithic cultures with that of North African Neolithic sites further reinforce the model of an Iberian migration into the Maghreb

>That's west asian admixture, nothing to do with anatolian farmers
"westasian" came to europe primarly with the farmers, it's also pre historic or do you think syrians were living in the uk and germany?

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The 3 belong to us, Nordshit cunt.

Your whole post is a mess so i'm not going to even bother.
But just so you know, yeah iberian farmers migrated into north west africa and 95% of the males got killed while all the women were taken as wives by proto berbers. That is why ~95% of berbers are E-m35 meanwhile berbers mtdna is diverse.


>i'm not going to even bother.

I already knew you were clueless

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