/desi/: my body my soul edition

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Do arrange marriages ever work?

My arranged marriage with your pussy will work.

Paan Singh Tomar was Irrfan Khan's best film and his best performance.

INDIA 2020

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Big pair of desi chebs in my face tyvm

Depends on the people.If you both respect and give yourself to the marriage,yes if you're retarded selfish then obviously not


Isn't it quite ironic how an individual as myself, often described as thoroughly misogynstic, has a domineering female boss?

What's your background?

Right now it's an empty white wall

Just watered the garden


my brother..


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Someone explain how this guy achieved this? He went from looking like an uncle that doesnt give the ball back to playing cricket with the lads look.

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lost weight
gained some muscle

Life of 3.14 was good movie

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But his face looks different.

he also 100% used roids
dont get me wrong, his physique on the right aint special and is attainable natty within even a year
but the fact he did it at that age, the fact his wife did it simultaneously, and the fact that he obviously didnt have a single ounce of testosterone in his body on the pic in the left indicate roid usage

Lmao TN Police meme game stronk

He doesnt have a roidgut though. And look at his left arm it's not as developed as the right. He just took protein powder and cut back on the sweets for sure.

weight loss does that, plus better glasses, and most importantly way better facial hair

bro, i'm not saying he went on friggen HGH, of course he doesnt have a roid gut
but he took some test for sure, 100%
the guy on the left is at least 35 and hasnt worked out a day in his life. and look at how his wife transformed, kek. prime example of how bottom-tier genetics + old age + roids can give you okay results


nigga he literally just went on a diet + treadmill for 35 mins a day

no he didn't
a middle-aged zero test having bottom-tier genetics never-worked-out-a-day-in-his-life type dude doesn't get those results

Yas Forums is full of tards like you who think roids must mean an amazing physique. go look at tobey maguire's physique in the spiderman trilogy. literally unimpressive as fuck, doesn't even look like he works out. yet he recently admitted he took roids for that part. bottom-tier genetics plus zero lifting experience does that.

this guy was on roids 100%. look at his retarded soy face.