What is a 'white person' defined as, and what is 'whiteness'?
What is a 'white person' defined as, and what is 'whiteness'?
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it's a imaginary hierarchy that's a confusing mess that makes Yas Forumsniggers feel superior when the vast majority of them are mutts
someone from NW europe
brown hands
Someone with german or english ancestry for example.
*mutt hands retard and don't you forget it
If you have to ask, then it isn't white.
A person benefiting from institutionalized or inconspicuous inequality.
I am the only white person
Someone with FULL German or English ancestry. Must have blonde hair too, and no brown eyes. Also, if you convert to Islam or vote for a left-wing party, you stop being white.
Respond to the fucking thread wh*toids,
>nords aren't white
>these people are white, but if they mix they're not
Areas in red are white.
otherwise perfect
>FULL German
Most Germans are NOT white. Full Lower Saxon; throw in Frisians and you've got a good working definition.
European and non jewish.
Anyone who says otherwise is a 16 year old poltard
A person that lacks melanin due to genetic mutations that occurred presumably to help these populations to cope better with the sun deprived environment of northern europe
For the racists it's a Germanic or Celtic looking man.
For the non racists, there is no point in having such a silly notion.
>What is a 'white person' defined as
person whose skincolor is like a pig
> and what is 'whiteness'?
Eating that very pig white people look like.
White people is disease to planet eath
Pigs are delicious. What do you have against them?
>Nordic cities in Switzerland, France, Italy and Spain
Also tons of nonwhites eat pigs: whole of Latin America, most of East and South East Asia, and whole of Oceania.
It would be someone native to continental Europe but white is more of a Anglo-Saxon term, that's why you have polshit tards saying crap like "Non-White Europeans" when by definition all Europeans are considered white from Dublin to Vladivostok
> What do you have against them?
They are filthy animal and therefore should be shunned.
Latin Americans eat guinea pig, doesn't count. Asian people have white DNA or do you see brown people in anime? Oceania I don't know about.
Why is that white people are the only ones causing this kind of confusion? For some reason you never see threads like this about "blackness" or "indianness" or "jewishness". How come?
>Latin Americans eat guinea pig
And regular pig. youtu.be
They put monkeys in soup too. Their skincolor isn't like pig however.
>Celtic looking man
Yeah, okay, you southron subhuman. You're not white and nobody believes you are white.
It's an American term, so only Americans can be white.
I'm not fucking wh*te and don't ever compare me to Am*ricans who are fucking wh*toids
It's a retarded americanization. It really just means European or descendant of Europeans.
Ethnicity is a better term since it reflects cultural and historical factors better than just skin color.
seriously I just can't stand wh*toids when it comes to this crap
You're dumb as shit.
I'm an Arab and guess what, pork is delicious and you're missing out
OP here. I am black.
>Why is that white people are the only ones causing this kind of confusion?
You mean like James Baldwin and WEB DuBois?
Why should I eat a animal that eats it's own people? Thanks I prefer turkey ham as should you.
Teuton, go home. Sober up.
based and halalpilled
northern european germanic speaker with light features and 0% of mena/asian admixture
Balts are whiter than germanics
I live in France near to the epicenter o f whiteness. Am I white then?