The American Civil Liberties Union has filed suit against a Kentucky school that allowed an officer to handcuff an 8-year-old boy and 9-year-old girl. The boy had his biceps restrained, rather than his hands. The cop—a school resources officer for Covington Independent Public Schools—can be seen telling the kid "you don't want to fuck with me like that." Once shackled, the boy cries and complains that the restraints are hurting him and that he can't breathe. Both children suffer from learning disabilities, according to The Huffington Post. Colonel Pat Morgan, a spokesman for the Kenton County school resource Office, told The Huffington Post that he was waiting for their attorneys to review the lawsuit before providing comment.
The American Civil Liberties Union has filed suit against a Kentucky school that allowed an officer to handcuff an...
post the context leftist, 'learning disabilities' might mean he was violent enough to assault teachers and needed restraints
Little shit got what was coming. You don't get to disobey officers like that. Respect our boys in blue.
you know that campaigns like BLM are foreign funded and designed to cause discord in american society?
>8 and 9 yr old
Kids are pretty cracked these days, raised by single mothers, born to older mothers, raised on youtubes algorithm. I once saw kid Naruto run full speed straight into a folded up cafeteria table because they're were no pudding cups
I was stealing from shops and beating other kids when I was 7. At 9 I was a fully blown psychopat.
At age 9 I was capable of lifting cars and breaking through walls
Freedom ain't free, kid.
wtf I thought USA is the land of the free?
I can't see any context justifying clear images of an officer handcuffing the arms of a small child
the US is a fucking joke
yawn. kids were probably nogs
>I can't see any context justifying clear images of an officer handcuffing the arms of a small child
I'm not sure, if he was in some way a direct threat to (for example) his classmates I could see why restraining him would be a good idea. Though I'm stretching the credible here admittedly. Still I'd like to see some context to see how ridiculous this is. Pictures with neither context nor source can be pretty dangerous.
Covington is a shithole and that boy mother probably fucked niggers in front of him
he's a small child, the handcuffs don't even fit him because they're not designed for him
also here is the result of the case
Yeah tard strength is tard strength regardless of age
Take back what I said the teachers just didn't want to deal with the kids and sent a power tripping goon after them. Also archive that shit next time
>The children who were handcuffed had been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, a condition that made it difficult for them to focus and follow instructions.
Ok...the fuck? I guess being rowdy is now a crime in the Land of the Free(tm).
Same, at 9 I got into bar fights with bikers.
this wouldn't happen if the kids had guns
entertaining 'rowdy behaviour' in hyperstimulated children can devastate them in their lives, better discipline them early like the wise americans mr. beta
the report from the sheriff's office also mentioned that the 8 year old boy tried to hit the officer with his elbow, which is why he was put in handcuffs. this is what they brought up as justification
it cost them $337.000
kids are retards in 2020
at that age I had already mastered the katana(japanese sword for you gaijin)
Freedom means you can do what ever you want, but it also means that police can do whatever they want to you. Get it through your thick skulls.
It's normal for kids to be hyper, amerimutt doctors diagnose everyone with ADHD to push pills
What did the kid do to get hadcuffed? Not saying this was the right course of action but he must've done something wild to prompt such a reaction
have you heard pf randomized double-blind trials demonstrating the absolute efficacy of good ass-whooping?
>sudanese intellectuals
t. coddling single mother who's transferring her emotional baggage to her child
doesn't take a Ph.D. to know that a good long paddling that doesn't sort out children (without boundaries)
doesn't sort out children* Belts and wrenches for special occasions