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Rate them
Wales > Scotland > Ireland > England > NI
Galician or just hate anglos?
Catalan and I also hate anglos
i like all of england :)
All of them are shithole.
Nuke it.
i rate them
>muh underdogs
Thoughts on them?
theyre fine
Met one guy from there, he was pretty cool
You'd be higher without london
Ireland > Scotland > Wales > England > "Northern Ireland"
England and London should be treated as 2 separate entities for this exercise
pretty certain Yas Forums hates the english not the londoners
England > Republic Of Ireland > Wales > Northern Ireland > Scotland
Isle of man is unstoppable, look how it's flag kicks everyone around it all the time.
Scotland > England > Ireland > Isle of Man > Wales > NI > Jersey and Guernsey
I like Ireland the best
Objective ranking
Ireland > Irish part of the north
> Scotland >>> England > Wales >>>>>>>>> Br*t part of the north
>Spaniards actually think think they're oppressed
Literally delusional
Are they really any different from brits apart from "muh celts"?
England (actually relevant) > Ireland (high HDI) > Scotland (based character and history) > Wales (Gareth Bale) > N. Ireland (cucking the Irish)
No, they don't even speak Cornish anymore
>Wales (Gareth Bale)
they ARE brits
Wales goalscorers vs Belgium (2016):
Ashley Williams: Born in Wolverhampton, England
Hal Robson-Kanu: Born in London, England
Sam Vokes: Born in Southampton, England
No different from the English
Scotland>England>Wales>IoM>Ireland>Guernsey=Jersey>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Northern Ireland