In this thread, we say something nice about the country above

In this thread, we say something nice about the country above

Attached: 266-2660569_apu-pepe-thumbs-up.png (900x684, 254.2K)


Hot women soldier


Tigers :D

Extremely based war songs, especially from WW2 and Afghan war

Largest Muslim population in Europe.

Indonesia, that was quite rude to be honest.

Both Napoleons were pretty dope

The thread hasn't had a reply in 15 minutes because it's taking everyone that long to think of something good about Poland.

Nice trips, mortal enemy tho

Very very hot women

nice wines, almost as good as California's

>Mfw Californian whine is made by French immigrants with French varieties of grape
I'll take that as a compliment lad.

i had a hotdog for breakfast in paris and it was pretty good

Alot of nice food and resources

Probably a great place to go fish if i had the money

Very clean and well organized country, disciplined people


I love far west vibes and cowboy songs.

mgubu and mamadou kick ball good

I like French girls' accents and Napoleon was based

largest country in the world
i don't know about you

The most aggressive gypsies

Used to rule the seas

Sexy women, baguettes, eifle tower, napolean was p cool

The cool guys of Yas Forums.

The only hard working brown immigrants

Killed their dictator

makes lots of good movies

Made the whole world seethe multiple times

i love you iberian brother, lets have some gambas al ajillo together