Is there a phenotypycal/cultural/genetical difference between them?
Difference between italians and spaniards
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The right one is native the left one is immigrant.
they are both identitarian
>that unibrow
On second thought they should cover their faces and stay home
Many spaniards can pass as italian but many have their own characteristic face structure/eyes. And viceversa
Such as
You can't ask italians because they'll all respond according to their region
more than between Russians and Ukranians
There's a huge difference between russian and ukrainian tho, we are nearly different races, if not even species
So boy sminem cool is russian and the other Ukrainian ?
>Be me
>Go on vacation with frens
>Meet Italiana qt at hostel
>Frens chat her up
>She asks to comunicate in Spen(ish)
>They refuse!
>_Lets do it in anglo
>brook af
>One of them gives up, the other says he's got a gf when she asks for his number
>She's mad now and does not let us sleep
>A bunch of black guys come in the midle of the nigth
>We leave her alone in the dark...
No. There are more differences within the Spanish and Italian Population's than between them. You can find people from with extremely fair trairs and considerably swarthy traits on both.
The Religion is the same, although Spaniards are in general more religious (expecially in the North).
Although unified for less than 200 years, Italians seem to have integrated under a commun identity far quicker, Spaniards are still considerably divided under their cultural origins. The major cultural difference in Italy is the North-South divide, while in Spain its a West-East gradient, with Galicians, Asturians, Basques, Aragonese and Catalan people having their own languages, cultures and identities district from the Castillian main. The south (Andalucia) also developed a somewhat distinct culture from Castillian, as its natural in a moderately sized country, but in essence its still Castillian.
Economically, Italy has always been much wealthier than Spain, although Spain has grown massively since 1975 and they are roughly on pair now.
In both cases, the North is wealthier than the South.
The music is different, not going to explain it to you, listen for yourself.
Italian food is very intense on all foods regarding pasta, pizza, lasagna etc...
Spain is more intense on seafood, which varies a lot depending on if its Mediterranean seafood or Atlantic seafood.
The interior of Spain however eats more meat-based foods, such as sausage, ham and pork.
Architecturally, they are considerably different, but this is too complex to just explain on text, it depends on which historical period we are refering to and which region of Spain/Italy we are referring to.
There are significant genetical difference between Spain and Italy.
Italy in general is more diverse, with significant differences between the North and the South.
Spainish genetic differences correlate basically along the aforementioned cultural minorities.
she looks has a definite iberian phenotype to me
>although Spaniards are in general more religious (expecially in the North)
Lmao, Andalusians are the most religious people in this country
You are right.
I that that back.
All of Spain is heavily religious except the metropolitan areas of Catalonia, Madrid and the Basque country.
Spain more religious than Italy? What an excuse you gave me for don't continue reading your comment... Italy is the most catholic country in Europe (for obv reasons) with Poland, then Romania and Portugal...
>What an excuse you gave me for don't continue reading your comment
Spanish women are my bane, they look so cute and innocent with their massive brown eyes but deep inside they are rotten.
So spaniards are more tan and look more negro while italians are lighter and look more like jews/churkas correct?
*bikes towards you*
it's about facial traits not tanned or not.
Why most Italian women trim so thin their eyebrows?
do they? I dunno
Right, i fucked up the religion part. But so what? Christianity is going to be dead by 2050 anyway so who cares...
I have spaniard ancestry
you're argument is invalid
Y'all are talking about 100M people. You can't put 'em all in a basket. I've met ginger girls from Andalusia who couldn't leave their houses in the summer, because they were descendants of Dutch farmers who came in the 17th century.
On the other hand, my father is so brown he passes as Algerian in the summer.
So, go spend your time with something better for you and our loved countries.
*In Europe