Central europe... home

central europe... home...

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At least it was before I fucked everything up.

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give it back

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Dying region


the anglo thirsts for central european blood

V8 when

I dont dislike the region, I'm only being honest. Ur women are infertile, ur culture is stale and withering away.

Like you are any better

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somebody got rejected

Central Europe is a cope invented by Czechs who don't want to be in the same group as Albanians and Moldovans.

the concept of a "central europe / mitteleuropea " is older than that

Learn geography

It was made by eternal krauts as means to dominate eastern cunts

Why is it called central Europe when the absolute majority of it is way west of center?

Switzerland is in Western Europe, Switzerland is at the West of the Rhine.

Switzerland and Hungary... Yes, these two countries have sooo much in common.

it's a relict of the past
it used to describe Germany and Austria-Hungary
in the interwar period maybe it made sense too
since the Cold War and the EU it doesn't make sense anymore

The best part of Europe

Yes, like Protestantism, especially Calvinism.

what do you mean?

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The geographical center of Europe is somewhere between Poland and Lithuania.


yes we both fought against habsburg oppression


Switz are western though.

I know that feel, fellow central europe bro
(I am from Trst)

based brother

Imagine being born in Poland, yikes...

same for the rest of where people of european descent live


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