Foreskin is useless bro

>foreskin is useless bro
>you have magical protection from HIV if you cut it
>My mom and Rabbi told me It's just a useless piece of skin who cares about it
>What you want your kid to be a goy or something? if you don't do it you're not a jew, even if you don't even follow the 10 commandments which are the most important things for jews
>Your kid will get mocked
>Better sexual sensation? I enjoy sex lol maybe the problem is with you
>You don't want your baby's penis to get sucked by a creepy old man? u gay or something?
>Baby's choice over his body? what about earrings and the thousands of other decisions we make for them?
>It's more hygenic bro!!
>hairy dick due to pulling of skin, the risk of contracting herpes from the religion shaman, necrosis, proper function of the penis as it evolved, who cares?
>but muh American doctor's association reccommended it for no reason(stopped to)
also inb4 blamed for being arab or something like retards always do when their opinions conflict with reality and common sense.

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based though probably also VPNpilled


עברית לא מוכיח הרבה ללא ישראלים אבל..

i have no way of checking if that's correct, but if it is then absolutely fucking based

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Are you cut? That's like, so weird man

I am and there's nothing weird about it. of course people who experience abuse would stand against it the strongly, if they have the common sense to figure out they were fed lies.

At least you won't have to circumsize your children :/


Based objective rational jew

imagine being 90 years old in a nursing home and having to have a nurse clean under your foreskin for you


so how many Mutt's Laws are there already?

This sounds so much worse than having your son change your diaper and wash your butt, bait kun.

>Amerikikes will never know the feel of a qt nurse cleaning the inside of their foreskin
kek sucks to be you

Imagine having a weathered piece of sandstone for a knob. I'd ask how that feels

but it obviously wouldn't feel anything at all lmao

whoa based

Oh the self hating Israeli again

Honestly feel sorry for cutfags. They had no choice in the matter, they have an ugly scarred dry dick, they won't feel maximum pleasure and need lube for everything.

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>the nurses won't even get offended if you get erect because it makes cleaning easier
cutfags in the nursing home gonna seethe so hard

I'm not fore circumcision but you are cringe. go back to Yas Forums


The worst part is seeing Americunts try to defend themselves for being branded by Jews. "Girls like it better bro", implying I give a single fuck about what femoids think

it's the biggest cope on the planet

whiter than you muhamed

skincels seething

cringe and bluepilled
accept you were mutilated.

based jew