Japan is the first world

>Japan is the first world

Attached: Japan.jpg (4000x2833, 1.49M)

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>Ukraine is the third world

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I like visiting Japan but people sure look at the place through some thick rose-colored glasses. It's a unique place with beautiful landscapes and nice people but it's just kind of ok.

Japan saves the W-o-r-l-d!

India ranks Japan's Avigan and Actemra as most promising drugs against Covid-19.

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Kirkland doctor who nearly died from COVID-19 recovers after taking Japan's Actemra

>On a ventilator and in a coma for more than two weeks, Michael Goldsmith was out of options before starting treatment on Actemra. Now doctors are calling him a “walking miracle.”

87% recovery Japan's Avigan - Thailand

Germany imports million Avigan tablets

all the hanging powerlines everywhere makes japan look kind of third world in a lot of places

I've never visited Japan but it can't possibly be worse than Detroit.

I hope that's a big boy that serves donuts

The only thing that would make Japan to third world might be the mentally illed schizo jap poster

>clean streets
>no niggers
Sounds pretty first world to me.

Only economy size

Thanks senpai

i like it, has a cyberpunk charm to it

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True, Japan doesn't meet my expectations

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are you just beginning to realize that all countries that are not microstates have poor and rich parts? even poverty shitholes like in africa have rich neighborhoods. even rich countries like in scandinavia have poor neighborhoods. this is a fact of the world

I wish I could move to Japan but I'm a dirty Jew who doesn't belong in such a comfy place.

now powerlines in my area are occupied by these green aussie birds

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whoa poland has GARDENS?


only top right looks third world

>polish are white
Poland doesn't meet my expectations

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Poland is unironically one of the best looking countries in the world.

>overhead powerlines

that's pretty third worldish

I am not Korean

shut the fuck up extrapolating from 2 data points is a Yas Forums past time

>even rich countries like in scandinavia have poor neighborhoods.

Except poor neighborhoods in Scandinavia or the Netherlands don't look third world.

Would it even be appropriate to build high density in places like those? Why kind of jobs would you be building for? I'm guessing that's probably more of an industry issue then a social one.


It's not really about density, just poor maintenance and underdeveloped infrastructure in Japan.

>overhead powerlines
but some of you have them despite that you don't have frequent earthquakes

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Well, every country looks about compared to Poland

How the fuck does any of this look third world? You're retarded.

>some of you have them

These are poor countries. In rich countries they're very uncommon.

>you don't have frequent earthquakes

That's not an excuse, there are parts of the USA where earthquakes are a common occurence but they don't have overhead powerlines in the cities/suburbs.

it's a busy shopping street at ueno in tokyo
no fancy place at all

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