Why are Americans so afraid of gayness?
Why are Americans so afraid of gayness?
we like lesbians
abhor the whole degenerative thing to be perfectly honest, it's really like a fly in the ointment to civilization
Its fucking gross, thats the reason. Nothing else
lesbians aren't annoying like da gayz
How can you even have sex if there's no dick?
They're worse
who cares what some boring white dudes think
They're worried too many of them will like it too much. 87% of yank are repressed and closeted.
Only in a fetishized way.
This. Someone post the pic of the mother getting her kid circumcised because the trauma from a male doctor doing that will make sure he isn't gay
liking lesbian sex is the greatest affirmation of heterosexuality as a man
>we read the internet a lot. and the parts of the internet we read a lot dont like this kind of thing. and in fact the people who like this kind of thing are made fun of a lot and made out to be really lame, so we're going to be unimpressed and subletly bothered by this so the people on the parts of the internet we read a lot will think we are cool. even though really it's all fucking pointless to care in anyway about this sort of thing and it affects our lives in no way what so ever
while agree with mocking that, I also think it's not a positive thing for children to be exposed to
yes that is what i meant
cause its a moral issue in muttland. they cant naturally accept it. they systematically try to let them free.
desu gays rule everything around me (gream)
Same reason they can show horrific violence and drug use, but have to censor a pair of tiddies
Puritans gonna Puritan
they make your peepee hard but there's a lot of them who are hardcore feminist who just antagonize men
It's a sin.
lesbians don't exist, stop perpetuating lies
yeah i realized that after, but peepee don't care
agreed, look at these straight ladies
kissing for men's pleasure
they do this at parties, just for attention
that's just common female behavior, putting a label on it and making it part of your identity is retarded
literally every woman on earth did lesbotic things in her life, female their sexuality is just more malleable that men's
i can see it in their faces, just wanting attention
I disagree
woman on the left acting so hard
multiple motivations
>reclamation of female sexuality from males
>the sheer depravity and naughtiness
>sexual experimentation before eventually settling down
>the softness and deep sensuality of a female kiss
>a million others I am too stupid to think of
women aren't the unidimensional creatures we love to think they are
Good looking ones only.
Ugly lesbos are worse than gay men.
>lesbians aren't annoying like da gayz
Have you met a lesbian?