I'm a socially akward overweight american that wants to visit the UK next year. Will I get bullied?
I'm a socially akward overweight american that wants to visit the UK next year. Will I get bullied?
Just eat them if they bully you baka
probably, ngl
sounds like you'll fit right in m8
Same as OP but I'm also a Jew
British opinions don’t matter
They're fat as fuck too you'll be fine. Just don't wear cargo shorts.
yes because we hate americans, especially loud fat annoying tourists
> Fat
> Socially Awkward
> Presumably some sort Angloid DNA inside you
You’ll be right at home
I'll be quiet I just want to eat some fish and chips and have a pint with some m8s
No you'll fit in
why do you think we would bully you? Unlike Americans we don't speak to anyone on the street or people we don't know. Also if you approach a person to speak to them, expect a stand offish attitude because it's weird.
Why is it weird?
british people on tv sound mean
because we don't know you and we don't want to know you. Observe the queue and don't speak to random people, unless you're asking for directions and yanks will be fine.
that's cause we are
You all sound like awful people.
take it easy mate
No, we're just realistic. American's come across as extremely fake and insincere in a lot of their random interactions. We just cba with it.
depends on the area, if you go to the more touristic and city areas you'll run into more dickheads, but in the more rural areas it's chill af
Comrme to Nagoya
I want to feesmd you cheesburgers
How is friendliness fake and insincere?
We are fake an insincere? Fuck you limey.
the Americans are fat fucks meme should really be the white people are fat fucks meme
Blacks are fatter lol
Americans are too friendly with strangers and it feels weird.
why be unfriendly with strangers?
they are just as fat, do not worry
It's just what our culture is like. We don't have conversation with people we don't know unless it is over something trivial like the weather. It's not about being unfriendly it's that we just don't speak to people we don't know and it's generally considered weird if you do.
What’s wrong with that? How do you meet people then? Everyone is a stranger before you get to know them. You sound paranoid.
Nah, it's still an American thing. I didn't even know asians could be obese but you guys found a way.
how do you make friends?
It's not so much that we don't like talking to strangers completely. It's more that there's more defined parameters for social interaction. Randomly talking to someone on the street you've never met is unacceptable aside from maybe a brief mention of the weather or the like. Striking up a conversation with someone you're going to be spending time with/have a shared interest with especially at places designed for social interaction is how we do it.
BMI is flawed because it is designed to measure whites, Asians experience health issues with lower levels of BMI than whties.
Also your Maori are probably raising your average BMI, just like our Blacks and Hispanics do.
We don't strike up random conversations with strangers nearly as much as foreigners/Euros think we do.