""""""""western""""""""""" """""""""""""""cartoons""""""""""""""

""""""""western""""""""""" """""""""""""""cartoons""""""""""""""

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Americans are just bad at everything

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why is so much of your national pride hinged on some fucking gay ass cartoon shit for children
grow up you fucking gooks

I like the Venture Bros

Is this a webcomic?

>why is so much of your national pride hinged on some fucking gay ass cartoon shit for children
>grow up you fucking gooks

Attached: download.png (210x240, 6.08K)

It's an official Marvel character design

Attached: new-marvel-heroes.jpg (1280x720, 351.09K)

As awful as they are, they tastefully avoid pedo shit

It's from Marvel's New Warriors but you're not wrong this is webcomic-tier quality.

haha, doesn't even fit faggot.

>Why, Yes, I love watching Star Butterfly. How could you tell?
>What? Anime? What is Anime? Aren't they like all spoken in Chinese?

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Soyjack likes anime

Americans dont like this either

Americans who actually like cartoons don't Twitter loves that shit.

Cartoons are for children, the west uses live action to explore adult themes while Japan uses cartoons because your film industry sucks

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Twitter is internet america

>the west uses live action to explore adult themes

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This on the other hand is asean animation. Would japs like it?

I mean they're obviously on a budget, the acting is subpar but the concept is really really neat

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>he unironically thinks capeshit and disney trash are """""""""""""""""""mature""""""""""""""""""""""""""

>western video game protagonists
pic related
>japanese video game protagonist

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Yeah of course. Our animation industry still ain't as good as the east or the west. Everything you saw there are quite top tier to us for tv level animation.

The big two only care about pandering. Thankfully, that isn't the case for other countries

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nobody likes the reboot nippon

3D animation is not as hard as 2D animation suck my fucking dick

the only good malaysian cartoon is upin and ipin

>>western video game protagonists
>pic related
>>japanese video game protagonist

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Tom and Jerry and Courage the cowardly dog are pretty awesome

Adults that watch cartoons belong in prison.

Go back

all modern hollywood/netflix live actions are basically cartoon shows. mutts are a bunch of casual nerds.

shut up and look at #3 davido

thats more testosterone than any jap protag except maybe snake but hes white anyway

best anime of all time and it wasn’t even a real anime

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Enjoy watching children’s shows with your fellow trannies.

I said go back to
Jeez did you lose your estrogen pills or something?

It's the only reason why the garbage bin contents of western society like them to begin with, and the only reason why they can rub their egos by spouting crap like "oh japan is such popular among gaijin", "the world loves japan", japan is know everywhere"


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