/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico

It’s lunch time edition!

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why are you cooking worn out vaginas?

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one day, I'm going to unite /cum/ and /brit/

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I genuinely despise white people and wish for their extinction in this continent.

I wish I could launch a nuclear missile at every major city in the US

can anyone else feel when a device is charging? there's like a weird vibration when you touch it lightly

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maybe you just have shaky hands you fucking retard

i do not have parking sons

>tfw feel anxiety right before going to bed every time
god i wish sleep were easy

I had a dream I was a demon flying around torturing people

just take a few shots and a few sleep aids like i do. 6-10 hours of dreamless sleep.

have you tried not being such a pussy

you've never seen horror like i have

that means you get nearly zero REM sleep you absolute moron

bet you'd miss society after it was gone

better then the dreams

I'm not even a part of it

Yeah yeah grow up

Erdogan dabs on Turks who want western standards of living

Says "the smart people have already left Turkey, and the stupid ones who remained here have fallen into a trap(in Turkey)".


video here

Attached: Erdogan-ISIS-e1501765275267.jpg (1023x511, 126.19K)

i like armagan, not erdogan

do goshbots dream of electric poltards

Literally no one gives a shit, stop being a virgin and go outside

Do you dream of goshcel? namefag

why would anyone want western standards of living, so they can walk over the rainbow faggot crosswalks on the way to toil?

yeah yet you live in canada hypocrite

i'm a highly vocal proponent of reduced standards of living

need a currydoomer gf

yet you still live in canadian living conditions huh retard

How do you expect to get a girlfriend being a loser who says things like "currydoomer"?

are you trying to have a debate right now

full context?

and yet you use its services and technology, how amusing

what's to miss

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why wont death come take me