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Other urls found in this thread:


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I need to stop coming here

you talk alotta big game for someone with such a small truck

nth for funposting and tornadoes

why are right wingers and antisemites so degenerate

lol maybe the schizofrenchy will migrate to this thread

>/brit/ + /cum/

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Moi? Je suis un incel, né d'une section c je n'ai jamais touché une chatte, les filles me rejettent et se moquent de moi, je déteste les femmes, les femelles, les femoïdes, les truies, les putes.
Je me teint les cheveux en bleu pour ressembler au protagoniste de Persona 3, j'aime danser je danse quand je suis stressé, débordé, mon autisme me fait beaucoup danser.
Je danse comme le joker, je marche comme le joker, je danse comme tron, je danse comme jay kay.
Une fille m'a envoyé un texto, je savais mieux que de m'exciter même si mes amis étaient comme "elle vous aime", devinez quoi? la fémoïde m'a interrogé sur un autre mec, si je le connaissais, lui parlais, merde putain, je ne répondais pas à tes stickers.
copains? plus comme des "amis", les gens ne m'envoient pas de textos, pensent que je suis un weeb et ont dû les écouter divaguer sur l'anime anti kino, je déteste l'anime qui n'est pas kino. Je n'ai pas d'amis entre eux, l'espagnole en ligne qui a peut-être eu le béguin pour moi ne compte pas, je déteste les femoïdes. J'avais l'habitude de jouer à minecraft avec mes amis après l'école mais ils étaient juste mes "amis" car ils pensaient que j'étais le meilleur ami de quelqu'un d'autre, ils m'ont abandonné et ont formé leurs petits groupes. Les filles ne m'aiment pas, pas celles qui sont chaudes, baisent les latinas, pas les grosses. seuls les gars ont montré de l'intérêt pour moi, un juif qui était aussi qt.
Je suis comme mad max, tron, makoto yuuki de persona 3, wikus van der merwe.

I will die a virgin and thats ok.


French is a putrid language.

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sex isn't that good really, not unless you're really in love
prefer wanking desu

I was trying to find a way to kill time,
now you're gone and I can't ever say goodbye.

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No such thing as love.

but so far, it seems that that, for now, it is rather impossible. Therefore, i will not move the thread.

I find this kind of harassment and attacks completely unacceptable, and i hereby ask everyone to stop this, and to respect my privacy and my dignity.

I will not move the thread as of now. I have received confirmation from me that it was already and will be hosted at a different location and i have nothing to hide.


never felt love for anything?

last thread was very awful so i'm not gonna post how many posters it had

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Abominable song

Google street view made me sad. I want to go outside and people watch and take pictures to post on Yas Forums now, but I can't because of corona.

>I was trying to find a way to kill [...]
you scared me there

North american “””culture”””

So beautiful out tonight

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you might get doxxed

good song alert

I am merely testing this new AI thing on you.

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>how to solve america

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Wrong. It’s bad.

wtf you cant change the size of the split screen on android 10 aaaa

who is your fav mexi flag poster

I don't care, I carry a gun.

option two

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>Wrong. It’s bad.

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very nice

fk is a poop fetishist, a pedo, an amputee fetishist, and a fascist. I will happily make the distinction, but I'll focus on how he supports a realist, liberal-minded, coherent world view as its basis for liberation, because that's the whole point.

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Imagine walking home in the late afternoon with your gf after tennis club.

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the us flag should be in the middle, not the mexi flag

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Lmao fucking Netflix fags haha

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>fk is a poop fetishist, a pedo, an amputee fetishist, and a fascist. I will happily make the distinction, but I'll focus on how he supports a realist, liberal-minded, coherent world view as its basis for liberation, because that's the whole point.
He is not a pantywaist. He embraces a liberal worldview in which the nations of the world have a future in their relations with each other and with other nations, and have to learn to live with each other as equals in accord with democratic values. Yes, he says he's an anarchist (which may actually be closer to an anarchist than an anarcho-fascism), but he says "anarcho-fascism".

That picture is actually morning though, but it still made me feel the feelings of no gf.

Our new what?

i have a question, do you have regular loli/shota posters here ?
We have tons on /fr/ and they seem to try to spam the threads now just to make it more cancerous.

i guess no isekai for her



Are you turning gay? You meant wife right?


Everyone in cum is uniquely tumorous. Even I am. Even you are.

>our new
it should say meme wtf

>He is not a pantywaist. He embraces a liberal worldview in which the nations of the world have a future in their relations with each other and with other nations, and have to learn to live with each other as equals in accord with democratic values. Yes, he says he's an anarchist (which may actually be closer to an anarchist than an anarcho-fascism), but he says "anarcho-fascism".
Is he going to win the White House? Well, he's got to start somewhere, right? Not if his actions are any indication.

When he brought his Border Patrol troops to protect their employer of 32 years, Republican governor Rick Perry, from migrant animals, he directly violated the Posse Comitatus

It's funny how they actually are the ones pointing out her appearance.

evens seinfeld
odds american dad
dubs king of the hill

What the fug

we have a kraut poster who is literally a pedophile


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Terrible video. How is this legal??

bit grim

it says "Our new" and I want to know what "our new" refers to ok jeez this ain't rocket surgery

why do you defend urkel and jason?

All we have to do is unanimously agree to sink florida into the ocean and this map becomes excellent

thumbnail looks like she has a prosthetic leg, not cool man

In a few years 90% of poster will be NPC I predict.

>he directly violated the Posse Comitatus
Act because they blocked the rest of the volunteers, some of whom were military veterans, from taking up positions near the president's motorcade.

Months earlier, Bundy had told NPR's Nina Totenberg, "If they try to assault our guns or take our weapons, the last thing we're going to do is shoot back. We're not going to put up with that kind of stupidity."

The men in Oregon now face possible federal felony charges, although the standoff seems to be ending.

Nevertheless, Bundy has said he plans to return to Nevada this month to speak at a convention of the pro-guns group, Second Amendment Foundation.

I hate homosexuals. :)

i am an npc

he's a pedophile lover

how do i defend them

>literally a pedophile
yeah some of our loliposters were making it quite obvious they were sexually attracted by children, some other didn't though, and it's difficult to see beyonh these infinite layers of irony.

you constantly deny them being pedophiles

How am I a pedo?

Just bought a new golf driver and a hybrid. wtf is up with amazon shipping though, both gonna be over a week wtf sick of this stupid virus bullshit

/cum/ is a pro loli general, but we aren't attracted to real kids

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Someone made this thread on Yas Forums

the kraut posts irl children and sexualises them
urkel has never shown that he likes 3d children
jason mostly faps to ss and anime milfs so he can't be a pedo