When you think about it, Philippines isn't such a bad country after all
When you think about it, Philippines isn't such a bad country after all
I don’t think about thirdies at all
>implying I'll ever think about it
i went to manila and got robbed
fuck your country and fuck your disgusting orc people
The countryside is comfy but Mega Manila is hell on Earth
have you been there lad
the nature is nice but negated by all the gross poor people and shabby tin houses
a bucket of Jolly Crispy Chicken please.
based robber
I have a house that is pretty much in front of pic related. It's pretty isolated, there's barely phone signal.
manila is the biggest shithole on planet earth
countryside philippines is based though especially outside L*Zon
>not "if"
>outside L*Zon
*Gets killed by communists, muslims and death squads*
I assume it's an uber-shithole by the fact it's a huge source of immigrants.
>When you think about it, Philippines isn't such a bad country after all
When you think about it, Philippines isn't such a bad country after all. If you look at where it came from, it's a landmass with the longest coastline of any country in the world. And if you look at where it's going, it will be the Asian superpower of the 21st century. Many people in the Philippines see America as a superpower, especially the people in the media, so they're all going to be patriotic about it. The ones who are going to leave are the ones who make a big mess of it."
Another Filipino who has played an instrumental role in this project is actor and director John Ortiz. The Emmy award winner has over sixty movies to his name, most of them made under the banner of his own
Duterte is actually a bigger memelord than Trump or Berlusconi ever were, he just isn't the leader of a relevant enough country to get the press
Fucking hell , when I was six and lived the philipines , I used climb on giant piles of bricks and piles of cement mix. After that I would go get taho and watch my pirated copy of zack and cody . Good memories.
until your president opens his mouth, he's actually outdoing our president, and yours also looks like a common thug
>outdoing our president
how? he's basically sold us out to the chinks, he's a goddamned traitor.
You seem to be lost, this isn't plebbit
We like in your president's head rent free desu
>goddamned traitor, because thats what the media says so
Imagine not being able to think critically
t. Juan Zhang Lee
Go eat some pagpag you filthy manilanigger
wouldn't surprise me
oh fug, mr chimpident, how did you find this website?
I lived in the Philippines for 3 months and was too much of an incel to get a gf
I'm a 26 year old virgin now
I'm 28 and sill a virgin here.
Flips are so interesting I can't tell if I like them or not. Guess you can't generalize an entire group of people hmm
>not sure if it's supposed to be savory or sweet
user this picture is about to make me puke