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>Asia for asians
>Africa for africans
>Europe for everyone

Attached: giga.jpg (1280x720, 47.45K)

>Bosnia for the Bosni-
>Herzegovina for Herzeg-

>Bosbia to Croatia
>Herze-something to Croatia

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the best they could do was this flaming retard who couldn't amount to shit

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>Everything to me, not you. Fuck you.

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Shitskins raping Swedish women and being an overall nuisance is ok then, right?

>Borders? No thanks, everyone is welcome here.

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Beautiful kangs will reinhabit

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>Shitskins raping Swedish women and being an overall nuisance is ok then, right?

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Naravno brate :)

>>Shitskins raping Swedish women and being an overall nuisance is ok then, right?

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I mean to be fair, it looks like SD will win the next election and if they do our immigration policy will make a large shift.

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Yes because whiteys did just that to their homeland


I hope to god you can all turn this thing around. Not by becoming full-on fascist, just giving the misbehaving migrants a kick in the rear they desperately need.

Sweden will be 30% Muslim by 2050 even without immigration
Check the projection

Even more incentive to vote for right-wingers.

hello reԁdit


This, but unironically

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>why i support minority rights you ask?
>because they rape more then whites

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Why is it okay for Hitler rape everyone?

But it’s already lost
Europe is lost too

Voting SD will make no difference just like trump made no difference in the USA
I mean vote yeah but don’t expect too much

The SD will obviously tone down the anti-immigrant bias when they get into power

The funny thing is that a lot of SD's voters are actually Bosnian who are sick of getting Somali and Syrian neighbors.


Why is it okay for you to make false statements on the Internet?

>The funny thing is that a lot of SD's voters are actually Bosnian who are sick of getting Somali and Syrian neighbors.
Hahahaha immigrants complaining about immigrants?


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>refugees aren't immigrants
this is your brain on Yas Forums.

Dude, we live in the 21st century. I don't care who raped whom and who raped how many people in the past, I don't want this shit in any European country. Also Sweden should look like Sweden and not like the middle east. Danes have been a bit more defiant against radical Islam iirc (they've banned the burqa).

Its very different cultural norms between them. The Bosnians, while Muslim, don't make their women wear veils so when Syrian and Somalian women walk around covered like that they become very uneasy.

I once talked with a Bosnian woman and she said she gets sickened seeing little girls being forced to cover themselves form head to toe like that during the summer.

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Cringe. Europe must fall for the evils commited by them.

Islam is the white mans religion

calling yourself a refugee doesnt make you a refugee

Look at the employment rate of refugees from 2015 wave...
Bro it’s a lost war
This is 2019

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Most syrians don't do that either. It's a entirely optional thing

>Look at the employment rate of refugees from 2015 wave...


>I have not checked but yeah good
>also I hate Europe and I hope it will turn into a middle eastern shit hole
just be honest and shut up

>Dude, we live in the 21st century
>I don't want this shit in any European country
Nice contradiction

Reminder that 90% of white people to ever get raped or murdered were raped by other white person.
Reminder that Europeans killed each other for centuries until just 80 years ago.
Reminder that no country or government is forcefully getting refugees in countries like Sweden, they themselves take them in as 80% of Swedes have purple hair and love feminism and niggers.

The first is false, the second is true