Historically, it was never meant to be, but would you like to have it one day?
I think it's a good idea, provided bigger government implies better corruption prevention, and if we had a shinkansen across all the countries.
Historically, it was never meant to be, but would you like to have it one day?
I think it's a good idea, provided bigger government implies better corruption prevention, and if we had a shinkansen across all the countries.
No, it has failed enough times.
Worst decision we ever made was giving up the Panama Canal. It’s one of the most valuable things we ever owned and we gave it up too look nice on the world stage. What a waste.
Come on, it would be great for the middle class. That way we would go to concerts and conventions with extreme ease. In these times when globalization is so spread it would easily create a regional identity. It has failed so many times only because of all the politician thieves, and because of this i think it will never materialize, but it really would be awesome.
Are you talking about reunification?
Sounds based, it would be a little harder for the US/China to control you.
How many attempts have there been?
Fuck off you autist. No one mentioned Mexico.
Why don’t you guys conquer them
Because they’re economically and culturally worthless to Mexico and Mexico is neither a jingoistic or expansionist country
That's not what I want my country to be.
mexico is on the verge of secession. Google nortexit
Thats just a meme
>Because they’re economically and culturally worthless to Mexico
ok, retard.
>provided bigger government implies better corruption prevention
I have my doubts
>Guatemala - El Salvador - Honduras
I think this could work.
> + Nicaragua
This would be more problematic considering nicaragua's communist tendencies, and the US would not be kind to any strengthening of communists so close to it's borders.
> + CR + Panama
Not gonna work. They should do their own thing.
Unify G-ES-H, then take belize by force.
>and we gave it up too look nice on the world stage. What a waste.
it was literally stated in the concession contract. It wasn't to look good, that was the deal from the very beginning.
If you know anything about history, it’s that “renting” any land or port usually means they’re never giving it back. It’s a meme. We should’ve stuck to our guns
Reunification? You imply they were once joined?
These countries never had anything in common except colonial administration, once that was out of the question, it lasted like 20 years with every province doing their own thing.
There has never been a serious attempt. only bullshit treaties that benefit no one, and useless perks such as travelling with local id.
Why isn't Mexico included?
>If you know anything about history
Not all the time. Especially not when the "lease" expired in the 21st century.
This shit isn't the 1800s. The colonial age.
>Transfer of ownership of the Panama Canal occurred peacefully as planned on December 31, 1999.
Fuck Mexico. Mexicans have nothing in common with centroamericans, who have little in common to each other.
>bigger government implies better corruption prevention
Because OP is talking about central america in the political sense, not regional. The tail-end of mexico is central america, but it's not politically involved in their affairs.
How can such insignificant countries have such big political differences preventing them from uniting into a country that would actually matter?
Literally nobody cares about fuckin El Salvador. Get over yourselves and unite you retards
This + Belize would be aesthetic but the closer south you go it’s just mini Colombia
I wouldn’t know what to put Nicaragua in because I can’t seem to associate more with Colombia or Mexico
>oh no, we can't surrender the sovereignty of glorious HONDURAS
can you imagine saying this with a straight face?
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Honduras and Nicaragua are really that different from each other? Be honest.
El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are basically the same country with different druglords ruling. Nicaragua is weird, they're pretty much the same people, but with commie druglords shitting everything up. Costa Rica is what the countries would look like if they weren't corrupt. Don't know about Panama, their history is different.
Nicaragua acts kind of as a transition zone when it comes to Central American cultures, hence you're hesitation on where to place it
CR and Panama are more Colombian, southern Panama pretty much as they were originally part of Gran Columbia.
Nicaragua is kind of unique and eastern Honduras is a wild land
Dumbass, do you think people govern themselves? Do you think its as easy as to say "we want to join"? The current druglords have all the power they can in the current division, they would have to fight with each other for political power if the countries join together.
Why not just get a powerful good guy country like the USA to send soldiers and help you
Kind of, once I went to a party full of Nicaraguans because the head of the family works with my dad, and we felt some differences. They were noisy as fuck, even more noisy than us, and my family is already pretty noisy
They don't want to invest in the region now that there's no soviet influence anymore. Labor isn't dirt cheap as in China because cheap wages actually kill people here, so the US doesn't outsource here.
Mosquitos are terrible people.
There is a historical explanation for that. The Americas were settled 10.000+ years ago by mongoloid tribes coming from Asia, we can all agree on that. So basically the reason why mestizos in Panama, Costa Ricans and Colombia have similar looks and speech patterns is because they all descend from the same amerindian family group, split in several tribes that developed their own language variations, but they all converge into the Chibchan Language family.
Meanwhile, up north, the amerindians who inhabit/inhabited those lands were influenced by the Mayans, who never made it south of Nicaragua.
In short, most people in Panama, Colombia and CR are a mix of Spanish settlers with Amerindians from a Chibchan language family tribe, and then you have African minorities in some geographic regions of the aforementioned countries
Only Guatemala, El Salvador, and parts of Honduras&Nicaragua should unite. I do not want to share a country with ugly pardo monkeys. Negro blood dooms nations.
So are the Guarani still a thing? Also I didn’t know Puerto Rico was that influenced by natives, since I hardly hear about Taínos in this modern era, I mostly thought they were just Canarians with slight Amerindian and Afro ancestry
Stop forcing this shitty idea. First get rid of all the brown subhumans that contaminate the region, THEN we'll talk about unification.