What the fuck is wrong with ameriderps

What the fuck is wrong with ameriderps

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They hate the lockdown for some reason

>tfw it's even higher than the official numbers

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of all the insulting names for americans, ameriderps is in the lower tiers... my favorite is probaby "amerishart". something about "amerishart" just sounds satisfying to say or call somebody. gets across feeling of stupidity, digust, child-like, these things. "ameriderp"... doesn't have impact i suppose. sounds badly

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Vietnam casualties were young male
Corona casualties are old man and grandmas
Comparable? Although it reached the number .. old man dying in Corona is natural death

I mean it's terrible and all but that's a clickbait headline if I've ever seen one. A bad flu season or two kills about the same.

it's the same generation kek

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not at the same timeframe

I wish it was 58,220,000

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Ethnic cleansing as a disease.


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yea coronachan deaths probably cause wealth redistribution too. without lockdown, literally everyone would be better off.

You've earned this (you), you sly fucker.

there are about 200 million non hispanic whites in the US
43% of them are under 37
around 50% are male
so there are about 43 million white males under 37
I'd include them in the 58, along with a little over half of Gen X (around 10 million)

Oy vey what a shoah

>btfo by Vietnam twice
How do boomers even cope?

I wonder why do you live in America then.
>mu white people bad
>o yeah I don’t want to go back to my own country.

Large and unhealthy boomer population.

Kept alive by 20+ drugs but drugs can't save you from Kung Flu

americans are fat and have diabetics at age 20, so corona is raping their young population too

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Great (you) and nice digits


that seems extremely improbable

interesting digits

not even your diaspora wanted to come back


You think THAT'S bad?

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They are falling prey to their own stupidity


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