What do you think about this face?
In Japan, it is famous for the facial features of typical Japanese women who go out with gaijin.
This is considered manly in Japan, and Jap men don't try to approach them.
because Jap men like pretty, small, big boobs girls.
What do you think about this face?
Good to know mr. Shunsuke Kitajima from Yokohama, good to know.
Is she Yoyoi or Jomon?
Japan sounds low T, bro.
same, its always either this slit eyed lucy liu looking women or monki barmaids that goes for wypippo
We are low t.
We don't like manly women.
I like it.
Girls like that (pure amerindian blood) makes me hard
Femininity is the choice of the weak. Given that I have healthy levels of testosterone, I would never settle for a woman that cannot grow a light mustache (which is why my future wife will be of Spanish extraction)
Because they are the hottest, only pedos want short kawaii desu girls
you are different species from us indeed
Yeah we’re superior.
アイ シンク ジス イジュ トルウ、アノン。フォ エグザンプル、ジェア イジュ アン アメリカン リポーター コールド ”ジュジュ チャン” アンド シー イズ ライク アン アルファー フィーメール ライク イン ヨア ピクチャー。
What is this phenotype called?
in the USA they say she looks black
アイ フォゴット トゥ メンション ジャット シー イジュ マリード トゥ ア ジュイシ ガイ。
I've been coming to Japan twice a year for the last 5 years and have yet to see a cute Japanese girl with a waito piggu
In every wmaf couple I see in Japan, no matter how ugly or attractive the white dude is, the Jap female is always ugly as fuck
japs on here are the weirdest, most desultory group of posters
Japanese people are disgusting I'm glad the Soviets and Mongolians raped their women and children in Manchuria and the Americans bombed their country back to the stone age.
thanks for the new word
バット ジェア ハーフ チルドレン ウィル ビー キュート
ぷりーず すぴーく いんぐりっしゅ
Interesting phenomenon
I prefer cute girls as that should be
I think this is correct, user. For example, there is an American reporter called "Juju Chang" and she is like an alpha female like in your picture. She's married to a Jewish guy.
sonnakotoyori hayaku nihongo sureni kaette koi
yes, hapas are very cute indeed
World: "what's your type OP?"
OP: "(pic)"
gomennasai, wakarimasen. watashi no nihongo wa totemo chiisai desu.