Why yes
Danke, viKING
What's peter nashit?
I like Russia, anyone got a problem with that?
>csgo ranked game 3rd round
How else I should communicate with you animals. Learn Russian already.
>liking russia makes you a spic
the mental gymnastics
spics like communism
Russia isn't communist retard
russians carry the commie gene, they will always be communist in spirit
How's that living in 90-s. Your brain didn't seem to grow all along.
I've never encountered these people online
Russia is, and was, more than communism. Not to mention there were literally no communist countries in the new world aside from Cuba
Never mind him. He's a chicano with room temperature IQ, an even more deficiant understanding of cultures and a butthurt towards Russians because he saw another chicano that's into Russians once. He has a strong inferiority complex and feels like bringing down Russians is a path towards achieving a "victory" over white people subconsciously. He copes by denying that they're white. I know it seems ridiculous and far-fetched but this is just what his mind works like.
He also posts as 'Mexichad' which is ironic considering how much he seethes in at any positive post about Russian men. But then again he himself has said that he's insane so whatever.
And yeah he's a self-confessed NEET, according to posting habits he probably lives in the western United States.
>suicidal mentally ill hapa
im glad im not you
>>suicidal mentally ill hapa
who's that?
I can recite like 1/4 of Кoгдa мы были нa вoйнe, does that count as speaking russian?
>he’s a chicano
that’s all you had to say
Yes, keep it up bro.
Thank you))
I'm trying to learn the rest.
Russians are just Mongolian Greeks
Well no, I said much more than that, you're just trying to save face with denial. Give up your misguided crusade and find someone else to target, or better yet find a way to uplift yourself. People appreciating other cultures is what this place fundamentally about and if you force that negativity then you're just out of place man. Find a positivist way to reassure your identity. You'll find much more success and popularity through that than through Olmec posting and self-deprecatingly calling any American you dont agree with a 'spic'.
I will stop posting once this quarantine is over, you can contemplate suicide without me annoying you in a few months
>I will stop posting once this quarantine is over
Let us pray that you also change your outlook on life and yourself, otherwise you're exactly what you described 'a suicidal mentally ill hapa'.
I’m the person you replied to lad, pic is how I meant it
that's an original approach
I live rent free in the italians mind for some reason.
Im not suicidal you are
Russians are just Turkish Finns
Does this sound better?
>Im not suicidal you are
Let's hope you dont come to that. But you're still a mentally ill hapa one way or another. But mentally ill people hate to hear that so all I hope for is that you make yourself better. And I believe in you and I'm sure you already know how to.
Not really. Still sounds absurd.
>I wish I were dead poster trying to give me advice
There's more than one Italian flag. But I do sincerely wish you the best.