Does your country have B R U T A L I S M ?
Does your country have B R U T A L I S M ?
maybe a little
WE HAVE A U T I S M ! ! ! !
Yes and its ugly
Unfortunately, yes.
My dream is to attend a techno party in a large brutalist building.
there isn't anything else in here
Why do people make things like this?
Do they like it?
reminds me of total recall, pretty kino
This thing is a club
My city has hella brutalism. I am delighted to live here.
I like it so much that I drove around town like two years ago and did a photo essay of all the brutalism. Here's an apartment block with an autistic thing.
I really love living among these obdurate, autistic structures which seem to upset others so much.
Up-from-under view of local student housing. This one really isn't brutalism as-such but the lines are close enough that it's worth mentioning.
Another autistic apartment building. This building is very close to the northernmost burial place of a United States Supreme Court justice, an obscure fact.
This is?
Another commieblock. I'd like to live in one of these but I don't want to move for practical reasons.
Every major hospital in the west that hasn't been built in this millennium has a brutalist aesthetic. You cannot dispute this
This is the library where I went to college. I still go there once in a while (not now, sadly) and check out books as an alum. Nice and peaceful inside but sadly they're getting rid of physical books and turning it into admin office space (as opposed to professor office space, the real people who actually count).
The city I live in has some of the ugliest brutalist heaps I have ever seen.
Part of it was because of the era it was built, in the late-1960's. That was a time of riots and unrest in the US. Public buildings from that era shifted from neoclassical architecture to siege architecture. Boston's city hall, for example, has enough concrete in the walls to stop a fairly powerful blast.
Right behind it is the old law school building, the law school has since folded/merged with a neighbor so now this building is completely taken over by the university "bureaucracy", not actually a useful place for students.
The building itself remains great though. When dad first saw it he hated it and called it "Stalinist". I knew right then and there that this was the school for me.
Near the college is this "filing cabinet for old people", as an old friend described it. I voted on the ground floor of this building two or three times.
Brutalism fucking RUINED Boston. They took a beautiful colonial city and turned it into a concrete mausoleum
An autistic library branch. The focal point is the ceiling, exactly 100 feet square and supported by 16 evenly spaced pillars. It was refurbished recently and will theoretically open again soon.
Possibly the most autistic one in the bunch. This one really impressed me when I toured colleges long ago (though I didn't go here). The autism in this one is so powerful that I spent extended time with it, looking at it. Multiple photos to follow.
Brutalism is the product of cultural ennui and social rot.
Up-from-under, same building.
in my private neighborhood on the coast there's this one architect you can find anywhere because he's OBSESSED with brutalism
An angular shot, same.
Some seeming water damage on the underside, I wouldn't want to be in one of those corner offices, it's about a 100 foot drop.
user, what is wrong with you? Have you no conception of architectural harmony? General aesthetic sense? Pic related is the last great building erected in Boston (Cambridge)
I even poked my nose inside the building. I was afraid that the interior might be somewhat inviting or human. I was pleasantly surprised, it was everything I'd hoped: a death drap with browns, greys and sharp edges. Guard rails rose barely a meter, one wrong step and you could fall to your death. God I love these buildings.
Sorry I fucked it
Nice pictures of City 17 guys, or is it Caprica?
I enjoy how brutalism seems to upset and anger so many others, and I unironically enjoy the buildings for their own sake. The hodge-podge of harsh angles. I actually like certain classical architecture too, and I'm really not trying to pick a fight with you but that particular building has kitsch colors, a decent cathedral plan though. In this case, I don't care for the truncated, frustrum-like spire.
If I had several million dollars, I would have done a small brutalist house in the woods where I would fuck off and die, the death hastened on a physiologically depressing level by the anti-human lines of the architectural style that I claim to enjoy so much. Then the building would decay since it is hemmed in by moisture and vegetation (much like Fallingwater, an extremely poor architectural site). My tomb.
There is even a brutalist park in town. The kids use it as a skate park. Here we see a homeless man being mildly oppressed by it, which is good.
Hm, he seems a little too clean to be homeless, just having a nap I guess. It also has this water-feature thing.