Did Japanese really seethe at this movie?

Did Japanese really seethe at this movie?

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I used to love this movie, I reached and felt cringe af. They fall so much for the noble sarvage being corrupted by modernity meme. Also Tom Cruise fucked the widow of the guy he killed, this is so fucking absurd. No way he would dominated a katana so fast. The pretty much shit on japanese culture.

No, although all movies with that guy suck

When I was in japan on exchange my host family watched it, they didn't seem offended.

>Also Tom Cruise fucked the widow of the guy he killed, this is so fucking absurd.
Why? You keep what you kill

Took elementary japanese at Uni back in 2006 and the female Japanese teacher mocked it.

Japanese people are good at hiding their true feelings.


That's true I guess.

They seethed when we forced them to modernize irl though lmao

What do you think about this face?
It is famous in Japan for the facial features of the typical Japanese woman who dates a gaijin.

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It’s ok I guess. I admire the aesthetics of Japanese women in general, but the noises they make when they fuck is off-putting.

I've practiced Kendo and you can get the gist of it in a few weeks. he practiced all day every day and he already had experience with sables, all he did was to learn the village's kata.

Also, did he really fuck the widow? not that it matters, women are property of samurai anyways.

The thing is samurai are portrayed pretty bad in japanese media, as if latin america had shows about dictatorships and military.

japanese love tim cruise


Is this Yayoi or Jomon?

>women are property of samurai anyways
No, they were their wives. They could have concubines, but they had wives. It is illogical putting a widow to take care of war prisoner, bc if they would murder them of course.


I doubt it, nips get super happy whenever their culture is shown in western media regardless of how simplified or bastardized.

you kill it, you become it, not hard to understand.

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>They fall so much for the noble sarvage being corrupted by modernity meme
But the Satsuma Rebels were the good guys.

I've seen this movie four times but never because I wanted to. Very weird.

you didn't do much other than forcing it to open

sure noodleboy

swedish-american education, huh?

yes let's just forget those years you spent as america's lapdop after ww2

To be honest this fashion looks like pre-2015-ish to me, but yes this is a typical pokahontasu that is hated by normal people

>tim cruise

Pleb , cruise only produces kino

retard. I was talking about the time that Japan started its westernization. the US forcibly caused it but Japan copied UK and Germany.

Pocahontas, Dances with the Wolves, Avatar, Tarzan, Princess of Mars.
Same story.