This is the average italian male
This is the average italian male
No, his eyes are blue when they should be brown, and his isn't dark enough. Also, where is the body hair?
Where's his chef's hat?
>and his isn't dark enough.
Do people seriously believe that Italian are chocolate brown or something? He has the average skin tone, not too pale, not too tanned.
Fake stereotypes
Don't engage the americ*n
Why do spainards make Spanish sound so fucking gay with their lisp.
Why are Spaniards so short and smelly?
It's not a joke, my heritage is from Palermo and ignorant Americans assume I'm Arab.
>no curly hair
>no chef hat
>not brown enough
I’ve been to Rome before, your people are brown.
Sicilians are not exactly representative.
I think you mistaken them with the french
Now that I think about it, guy in picture actually has a young Napoleon look.
>not Arab
>Sicilians are not exactly representative
Representative of what? Sicilians are part of Italy, your argument makes no sense.
The key word in OP is "average", user. A Sicilian certainly isn't the average Italian.
Nice Cherrypicking
I*tlians are literaly gyspy tier
Greedy and backstabbing
Everbody who earns more them him,he hates them without reason
Average Italian has brown eyes and brown hair. We're same people as other /med/ countries. The whole blue eyes meme is pushed by racist
All Italian americans descend from campania/calabria/sicilia
t. Marco Brambilla da Lugano
"Nice cherrypicking"
"Now I will use my personal experience to cherrypick the character of Italians which is a falacy to begin with"
Severe lack of self awareness, sub 80IQ.
Notice how it's always the Swiss that focuses on the monetary part. You're a walking stereotype yourself faggot, now fuck off and have your servants dipped in gold tie your diamond shoes for you. Money grubbing banker
I'm not denying the brown eyes/hair part, but the skintone in OP is absolutely normal, at least in winter. He isn't pale as the Germans, he has an olive undertone.
During the summer people are indeed brown, but that's because of sun exposure.
So if I go to Detroit I'll have a precise look to what the average american looks like? I know it's bait but common
hes hot and looks tall hnnng
The spaniard that appears in those videos is cute
Now that you mention it, my skin gets like this in the winter as well... Guess its the ignorants around me making me feel different
By your logic, what does the average Brazilian look like? Is pic related "average" or just found in Rio Grande do Sul?
I'm half Italian/half French Canadian and always get asked if I'm half Arab because of my olive skin tone
Why Giovannis talk with their weird Hand gesture?
What happens if you cut italians some arms off,
will they start talking with the feet?