Would kill a nigga to attend this mofo

would kill a nigga to attend this mofo

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literally be black or hispanic
or better yet native american

better pay a nigga

no thanks

I'd never attend an American university even if I'd get paid to do so.


I thought it was ETH Zürich


Yeah, bro. Apparently Yale is a historically black university. Why would you want to go there?

stop making these threads here. Btw my boss went there for economics, but his family is very rich

>wanting to attend harvard's little brother

their feminist interpretation of modern memes course is pretty lacklustre though

I despise America.

no, i want to attend eth zurich but wouldnt want to kill a nigga to do so
for yale? would legit take a nigga life
nah senpai imma keep doing me and you can do you

For me, it would be MIT. Though, I wouldn't be ready to kill an African-American for it.

>tfw too poor and too white to go to a university

you're not american so don't pretend the Uk has affirmative action

Whats with the desert runes?

Harvard's motto was 'Veritas' (truth). When Yale was founded, they wanted to make their motto even better, so they picked 'Lux et Veritas' (light and truth) and added the ancient Hebrew script for "ha-Urim veha-Tummim," which is from the Old Testament of the Bible and which means, also, light and truth.

Wow Americans really are petty

Those were Brits. Harvard was founded in 1636, and Yale in 1701, long before the US existed.

based britoids

No one will ever offer you money to come here anyways ;)

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Hope I meet you at ETH Zürich so I can do this to you.

Why are you so obsessed with ivy league schools?

You can get a better education at a flagship state university

it would not end up good for you
cannot imagine myself losing a fist fight against a sickly anglo monkey

I know, I was just making my point clear.

Forgot to post picture.

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>not choosing your uni based on the flex

my head says yes
my wallet says no

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That’s my thumbs going into your eyes.

On a serious note which flagship state unis are good? I only know Berkeley and Michigan