this is nayib bukele, latin america's new dictator.
what are your thoughts on him and el salvador?
this is nayib bukele, latin america's new dictator.
what are your thoughts on him and el salvador?
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Aren’t you fuckers giving him money? Or is that Guatemala
mexico is a narco shithole full off pinche indios malditos
Hope he and his daughter get coronavirus. Piece of shit never listen to doctors when everyone was telling him to stop the fucking virus front coming in. Instead he decided to let the people get infected and invested 2 billion dollars on a mid-term mitigation program with half-assed prevention measures. Now we're seeing 20 new cases per day and the shit will keep growing and spreading because he wants the people he didn't give a shit about educating to keep making hugeass lines in supermarkets and banks.
Also, what kind of a full retard must you be to put healthy people in "containment centers" for walking in an empty street.
Fuck the idiot.
pretty based. i support any government that kills its citizens out of nowhere. i wish we had one like him here
latin america's new dictator is this fucking retard
Based millenial presidente
Who the fuck is giving anyone money in the middle of this pandemic? He's making loans to further his populist propaganda campaign, such as rentin hotels for doctors while they don't get priority in supermarkets, or giving 300 dollars that people claim at babks instead of delivering months worth of food to every house.
Mexico is giving the three of them (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras) money so they stop coming north. Pretty cucked, they should just annex them instead.
>dies in two years
i hope he dies sooner
how is he a dictator
any stronk politician is officially a dictator according to the white house
Is he a dictator because you don’t like him or is he actually a dictator
He's a populist who is getting people infected either through stupidity or maliciousness
>20+ daily
>instead of helping the people he wants to build a useless train when there's no tourism at all and he wants to build a fucking oil refinery when oil is worthless
>people have told him that those projects are useless but he ignores them
>he wants to modify a law so he can administer all money
>he wants to modify the law so he can keep all AFORES to sponsor his train and oil refinery
>he refuses to listen to anybody that disagrees with him
>he considers all media that is against him as his enemy
>he considers that there's some sort of evil power still in charge even though his party has all the power and he's the fucking president
>he consider small businesses as something evil and he straight doesn't want to help them
you are retarded
So because you don’t like him
>he refuses to listen to anybody that disagrees with him
>he considers all media that is against him as his enemy
>he considers that there's some sort of evil power still in charge even though his party has all the power and he's the fucking president
Literally Trump-tier
seething chairos, pathetic that you don't realize how much he's hurting Mexico only because you're pathetic fanboys
Funny how you didn't even answered directly to any of my points
Oh, it's maliciousness of course. A country that started clean as El Salvador and had warning barriers such as Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, could effectively contain the virus in one-two months tops. He took a 2 billion dollar loan to fight whatever was left of the disease 3 months in the future, and he had to justify this loan, so he admitted all kind of containment errors in his quarintine and people are dying from it.
He's way dumber than Trump.
Being a shitty politician doesn’t make him a dictator, retard.
except he wants to decrease the legislative power so he can use it for his own benefit, retard.
Nayib Bukele's only sin? Having a BIG PENIS with BIG BALLS in a soy world
Just how much casualities do we have? I haven't even bothered to check but yeah, it has to be on purpose and people lap it up, revolting. How's the data doc?
I don’t know about the guy but I like El Salvador
Presidents attempting to increase the power of their office still doesn’t mean they have any intention of staying in office after their term is up, retard
His party controls the senate but that's not enough for him, he's doing everything he can to transfer control over to him, he also is putting people from his party on institutions that are supposed to be independent from the government precisely to avoid concentration of power, some of that stuff is illegal but the ones that could do something is... the fucking senate.
It unironically might not be as bad as you think especially if your population isnt old or fat. More people get it and show no symptoms or mild symptoms and there is a seemingly quick peak.
If a puppet that responds to him is the next president then what's the fucking difference?
>B-but you can vote for someone else
he wants control over the organism that oversees fair elections.
I'm not him but I've trusted Yas Forums numbers and facts so far, they've been very right and far quicker than the msm, it's an extinction level event
9 deaths. 345 confirmed, 228 comunity acquired, 130 "suspected" (like 90% at least will turn out positive), growing at 23 cases per day.
Bukele isn't doing shit to stop these 23 cases daily. He just tells people to not come out. People who don't need to have never done that. It's idiotic to think supermarkets and banks are not responsible for the infection.
When did the WH call Obrador a dictator.
Nigger, this shit is bad. Are you a tarded politician? This is a preventable disease, one fucking dead is a tragedy, a hundred deaths are more tragedies. Every single death from this is a failure, every single infection is complacency.
However, there is a point in which people will be dying from the measures, like starvation, instead of the virus. The problem is in my country the virus was failed to be contained and we still will fucking starve.
lol. he is like 99 years old. everybody knows he will GG IZI KILL before 2024
What I linked is what happened to our hospitals (I live in NYC) and the results of random anti-bodies testing. My gf had on employee at her company die and he was fat an old and another end up in the hospital also old. My region for my company has probably 20k and 2k in the NYC metro we only had 20 confirmed cases, I think 10 went to the hospital and 6 already recovered. It's not great and you need to deal with it in a shitty way but it isn't the end of the world.
this is pretty based imo
I live In NYC, I work in FiDi, I've been under quarantine along with my family here and back in our home state for weeks. Way more people already had it mildly myself included. My sense of smell still isnt completely back. Many people based on random testing results had 0 symptoms.
Some basic precautions and a brief period of panic are the reality, it isnt the end of the world. The ventilator thing turned out to be overblown too, many people did better by being turned.
lmao. He can't authorize shit. Killing is constitutionally illegal, that's more populist propaganda.
Actually, a few days ago, a healthy guy was walking empty streets, cops didn't like he resisted his forced containment, so they shot him. The cop is in jail now and bukele didn't give a shit. If cops use lethal force in unlawful ways, its them getting fucked over.