How is China actually communist? They have private and public companies, stock exchanges, private housing, jobs with salaries/wages, etc. Don't all of those things go against communism?
How is China actually communist? They have private and public companies, stock exchanges, private housing...
They are capitalists larping as Communists
yeah but they have a red flag with yellow stars
checkmate atheists
The "communist" label is a matter of credibility and legitimacy. It would be hard for the CPC to claim any legitimacy of the one-party State without larping as communists.
With that being said Huawei's structure actually sounds like communism, but we don't have proofs that it actually works as they officially claim.
They're socialist with Chinese characteristics
China is capitalist with a single communist party
Read about Lenin's NEP. It's pretty much what China is doing.
> private housing
Actualy no. There's no private property in China. You just rent it for a few decades and then it goes back to the state
their leaders has a stake in their big companies plus allowed to go abroad and buy property for their second family.
Does anyone who writes this ever bother reading what Deng actually wrote or what his thought process was?
based saneposter
People like OP don't even know who Deng was
Pretty sure they aren't allowed to do this once joining the party
They are communist in name only. Just like North Korea is a democracy.
>Over 90000 employees, all supposed shareholders
>Chinese law only permits up to 200 registered shareholders for an LLC
China hasn't been communist since the 1960's
>Don't all of those things go against communism?
The short and simple answer is that "communism" is an end goal that necessitates capitalism, because it is through its inherent contradictions from which a society will emerge without class, money, state, etc.
Some communist revolutionaries (e.g. Mao) thought that you could just skip steps and end up with a communist state, which Deng promptly corrected.
China can be called Socialist but not communist.
It is socialist in that it is led by a "New Democracy" (Basically just meaning the communist party is dominant in politics with all other parties subservient to it) and controls the commanding heights of the economy
From what i know the current opinion on the CCP towards the achievement of communism is that it will only be achievable in a point in the future where the world as a whole has both become economically and scientifically developed enough and the majority of the worlds productive forces are under the command of Socialist governments
They larp both about being communists and about being an ancient civilized race
Housing is complicated in china. You have to be a chinese citizen and the ownership is only for something like 70 years. So in the end it basically is the state's as screwy as it is.
Literally, communist implies stateless society. Country being communist is an oxymoron. Now, country aspiring to achive communism could be actually called communist i guess. Doubt that China's current government does anyway, so no.
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Wonder what goes through the mind of people who post this
>Company is not an LCC
>If board fucks over, everyone pays for the mistake, with their life
go back
not allowed?
it's fucking state capitalism. there's nothing communist about them. karl marx would rather live in western europe than china if he were alive today
they are more like a very corrupt socialism
Wait no once you're a chairman of the CCP you're not allowed to live in foreign countries
It's bootleg Chinese communism. that's why it has those things in it.
>private and public companies, stock exchanges,
Chinese capital markets are state controlled and opaque. No one wants none of it.
Fuck The Chinese Communist Party.