
i wanna kiss andy samberg

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girls on the sims 4 have amazing breasts

>british people have to eat the kids meal whenever they come to america

got a problem with homosexuals in general

based, have a constant boner playing that game

do you agree?

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Dont cope, thrive you big girl.

For me it's bleak, hopeless, and depressive Russian music.

Girl, 16, sexually assaulted by man who tried to lure her with puppies outside Tesco
The incident happened at around 4pm on Sunday, April 26, when the teenage victim was waiting alone with her bike outside Tesco Express in Norwich Road.
An unknown man then approached her and asked if she wanted to go to his house to see the puppies, which the girl initially ignored.
The man continued to speak to her despite her efforts to ignore him, and she decided to cycle away as she felt uncomfortable.
She was unaware that the suspect then followed her along with his companion, another man.
When the victim reached the junction with Highfield Road and Highfield Approach, the suspect caught up with her and held her onto the bike to prevent her from leaving.
He touched her bottom and the victim felt distressed, so moved towards some people she knew who she had spotted walking towards her.
At this point the suspect walked away, allowing the victim to return home.
The male suspect is described as mixed race, of medium build, approximately 6ft 1ins tall, with black hair and facial stubble.
He was wearing a red cap and had a black rucksack on his back.
His companion is described as black, of slim build and was wearing a white tracksuit.
Suffolk police are looking to speak to anyone who may have relevant dashcam footage of the incident while driving down Norwich Road that day between 4pm and 5pm.


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oh yeah?

i will leave your naked mind to the lidless eye

tony hawks pro skater
now that was a game

ol' denny p is based

reminder that this is a CONSERVATIVE youtube Channel
He does not speak for Non-retarded leftists like me

pretty glad i don't live in england ngl

Need a rich milf gf

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For me its anglos

A question for you lads who don't mind peeking at the wild side of life

Today's wank material

Yank portions are the size of two extra large British portions
Yank children eat more a day than most familys elsewhere in the world.

depends on when you quit i think. for me i was getting mashed by anxiety and intrusive thoughts for a few months before i quit and even then i couldn't stop going out and buying more. i was surrounded by smokers too. Literally took me 8 months of near solid panic attacks and anxiety to get nearly right. i'm 400 odd days in now and i still get pangs but they're much better. Hoping in another year i'll be pretty much good again. Some people just experience a month or two at most of no appetite and bad sleep and sweats and things. Can honestly say it was complete hell for me though. So bad i could have killed myself sometimes but i've got good parents who looked after me and put up with me

why do you think i want to know about some bloke touching a girls arse outside of a tesco express


does it make you a nonce to wish you were nonced by an older woman
not asking for myself of course

this is true
honestly can’t imagine how someone could look at 3 chicken tenders and think “Yikes! That’s too much for me!"

I had similar, I've had so many severe panic attacks from it i cannot even count, literally hundreds. But theyre overwhelming to the point where once theyve passed you almost forget how terrible it was in the moment. Then you go and smoke again and it happens again.

I didn't feel a compulsion that i would describe as additiction so much but it defintely affects your mood when you first stop.

I'm a complete idiot for smoking as long as I did given what it was doing to me, just expected the good times to come back I guess

neocons and shitlibs are part of the same cloth

underground > 2 > 3 > 4 > 1 >>> underground 2 >>>>>>>>>> rest

that would be giving women the vote

hopefully the lockdown will be a big enough economic shock to do what the early 2008 recession should've done: kill neoliberalism dead.

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don't get how nonces exist, all femoids are grim until they're around 22

lesbian porn is boring

lesbian "sex" is glorified foreplay and no lesbian porn actress is actually attracted to girls

never had a gf

Liberals are the true Americans
Conservatives like PragerU are the true Amerisharts

For me, it's stormfront /brit/

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Any cod modern warfare men in?

I dunno i just can't forget how awful it feels to go through it. i never want to feel that way ever again and for me they were prolonged days long experiences. I crashed out of a pretty promising life because of weed and i'm determined to claw my way back up

actually insane how shit my life has been.

too young

still hot though i mean like there a four chebs what more could you want?

Never had a girlfriend?
I'm 24 and never even had a friend.

London Paki? Won’t be seeing him around here no more.

you mean after 22

Had a female p.e teacher and she was fit as(back then) did some Facebook stalking and she wasn't really

what's wrong with you?

Fuck off back there then.
If I caught your runt Nazi face irl you'd be fucking dead in a river of blood.

I liked NFS Underground 2 albeit Most Wanted and Carbon were the back to back magnum opi

Attached: nfs carbon.jpg (829x556, 147.2K)

to see people having actual sex

you are gay

She was but she just got old

Yeah, politics and girlfriends and that. Why don’t you talk about something constructive for a change that’ll improve your life instead of the brainless drivel you usually talk about