>Cheap healthcare
>Porn is banned
>You can legally marry 4 wives
>Against the law to show excessive skin
>Cheap Healthcare
>Almost no taxes
>Booming economy
>Very little homeless
>Lots of new and fun things opening
>Faggots get whipped
>The women are gorgeous
>Rich Culture

Need I say more?

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its great but how are you going to survive the post-corona economy, literally proxy war was causing removal of social programs

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get some land that isn't a sweltering hot hellscape and more people might agree

Are you Saudi?

Shame it's so fucking hot.

You don't need to worry about the heat when a bottle water goes for a quarter and there's air conditioning everywhere.

>central air conditioning at home and workplace
>air conditioned and new cars
>rich enough to set up air-conditioning in hajj tents
saudis live and move in comfort

Some Jew that was instated as your king by the brits gets to steal all the money from your natural ressources to build atrocious looking fake chateaux in France and fight proxy wars in Yemen and Syria.

Is there any punishment for beating your wife?

What if she won't have sex?

What if you beat her so bad she has to go to hospital? Then do you get in trouble?

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I like spending time outdoors.

Saudi Arabia is a souless place inhabited by low IQ browns. You depend on pajeet/paki labour to build everything and rely on Europeans to design everything. You are America and Israel's bitch.

post tummy pls.

They have dry desert heat, it's less worse than your humid jungle monkey heat

How's the dating scene in Saudi? And don't give me that Muslims don't date outside of marriage shit

Answer questions about beating women for fun

You guys BOW to a DISGUSTING king who owns the entire country.
In Saudi Arabia there's no private property, the king owns everything kek imagine being such a cuck lmao


I like to smoke weed :)

Women have rights here too. If you beat her you're in deep shit, both from her parents and the law. And its Religiously preferred to serve and please your spouse.

You forgot the part where 98% of the population is closet homosexuals, int likes these kind of stuff.

they're in the process of nationalizing (saudizing) all essential jobs, they also have a generous scholarship programme and countless saudis from modern generations are returning with foreign degrees (from what i've seen)

It's definitely there, very taboo and not talked about openly but lots of teens date.

I want Saudi Arabia to be nuked and any survivors enslaved

>>Lots of new and fun things opening
It's funny you celebrate this when this is the start of you turning into a shittier even more soulless version of the UAE

Yeah but how? Whatsapp?

The UAE is Americanizing. We will hopefully keep our roots and tradition in place.

Are you Hejazi or Najdi? Why do Saudis make fun of Moroccans and Egyptians?


Call back when that happens

Social media platforms like insta and twitter.