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want a burger

nth for funposting and aliens

Vi undrar är ni redo att vara med
Armarna upp nu ska ni få se
Kom igen
Vem som helst kan vara med
Så rör påminnelse era höfter
Och vicka era höfter
Gör som vi
Till denna melodi
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu are vi här med
Det blir en sensation överallt förstås
Påvfester kommer alla att släppa loss
Kom igen
Nu tar vi stegen om igen
Så rör på era höfter
Och vicka era höfter
Gör som vi
Till denna melodi
S kom och
Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gör som vi gör
Ta några steg åt vänster
Lyssna och lär
Missa inte chansen
Nu are vi här med

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I'm so fucking sick of everything being closed and because of it now my business trips are fucking boring and dreadful

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i love both of these things

Just had this bitch in my JewTube recommendations


Disgusting Tranny voice JESUS

a lot were insane girls, the ones who would dress up in ridiculous costumes, were on a variety of medications, they'd do things like carrying their school supplies in a translucent hexagonal box rather than backpack or bag

there weren't many males into anime, but the few that were, were essentially functionally retarded


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Trannies only like anime with traps in em because
>OMG That's LITerally me!!!!!

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love andy samberg
love drugs
love alcohol

hate foreners
simple as

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keep posting and get trips on Yas Forums instead

what sort of stuff? like restaurants and bars? being on business trips i guess that would suck pretty bad, you're more or less confined to staying in a hotel the whole time i guess?

Uffda, what kind of work do you do?

corr blimey...

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Damn they really fucked up TLOU II. Good thing I don't give a shit about vidya anymore.

doesn't look like a tranny

>can't detect a tran

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I want some sweet peace and quiet

>Good thing I don't give a shit about vidya anymore.
I hate it.

fucking cringy immoral whore

Isn't just a real nerdy old lady?

I want something to strive for

>doesn't look like a tranny
Oh sweaty

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I've been shitposting in the Irishman's thread and they're taking the bait, I expect more aloofness

>OMG! Time for me to rant about the flak I get for being out. You won't find many other professional transpeople standing along side me on this particular soapbox in solidarity, but I sure wish they would! Yea, it's all about me.... Me, me, me. :-) But it really isn't about just me. There are a lot of us out there in the world (transgendered people I mean) but too few of us stand up for ourselves, or for transpeople as a group.

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And pools, and gyms, museums, any attraction that isn't the same solace of seperate forest day after day

Foreman with a highway maintenance company. I have nothing to look forward to, to ease my stress

your a poop fetishist

Meditate, my guy.

i like pickles in my burgers

>movie games are shit
The only good "movie" game was RDR2

>Foreman with a highway maintenance company. I have nothing to look forward to, to ease my stress
That blows, is it stressful work?

At least she isn't nude or fucking on camera.

The last of us was fun

There's no point

Oh how about that. I actually like his interest in homemade guitar pedals and electronics. I guess since I can't tell I'll have to end up with a big meaty cock inside me.

I'll lick your pickle for a nickel

Never played it, but RDR2 was pure kino

Been thinking about figuring that out at some point.

Yes. As is the rest of my life and my plans, by design. But now covid has taken away my coping methods.

nobody wants to marry a poor farmer's daughter

>mfw people in my state are still desperately hoarding toilet paper


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I have over 20 rolls of toilet papper

Fuck. I'm sorry to hear that.
I can't wait for this fucking pandemic to end.

Enjoyed that as well.

Do it! It's pretty straightforward. Start with 5 minute breathing exercises a few times per day.

meditated for almost an hour earlier, followed by a full body massage and a shower

My Dad did.

Reply to me

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I identify as a Wuhan Flu carrier

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>now I feel down even high
Why, God?

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You are a bad person.
Here's your (You).

my dog is female but i often call her "señor _name_" or "lord _name_"

anyone have experience selling their body on facebook marketplace?

who is jason and why do you post him every so often?

Jump both the borders and return home as you wish to.

One of my closest friends did that, went to the guy's house, changed his mind, and was raped by a 350lb behemoth with a massive dick.
True story. He had a mental breakdown and tried to kill himself afterwards. He's better now.

hows coronga? are you afraid? wanna come south sometime pls we need money send help



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