Most people in Latin America live in Brazil and Mexico
Most people in Latin America live in Brazil and Mexico
Envious of both countries' sexual culture
Brazil have 1/3 of people from Latam, so this is wrong
i feel blessed now.
Brazil is black
latam 650M
Mexico 130M
Brazil 210M
Are the Sudanese sex-havers, coomers or prudes?
so much beautiful sex must be happening right now in quarantine
>Latin America
deeply repressed schizophrenic cunts who compliment sexual images on facebook and cry over slightly form-hugging skirts in their girls
i'm glad i'm not one of em
so? are you racist?
no, too much repression. I need to see sudanese girls pilloried in public squares and fucked violently
Brazil is not Latin American. I know you're envious of our colossal size but don't try to patronize us. It won't happen
Mexico is 13th in size in the world
what is it that makes you non latin american? I'd love to hear your arguments
you are mexican...
I could help with that
my greatest wish is to paddle them hard in a public forum and watch their wretched and humiliated little faces as they collect themselves, you need to discipline them
Mexico is an overpopulated shithole
I mean, it is not that hard to google that shit before you post it.
That's a based from me, friend.
south brazil is white therefore not latin america.
That is some kink/fetish/bdsm/public exhibition territory my friend.
Wow it's almost like 90% of the north is arid desert wasteland, retard
only m*xico c*ty and its surroundings
south brazilians are white shifted trirracials with a few germans in lost small towns. Porto alegre might as well be less white than sao paulo. They have the highest incidence of AIDS in south America, unironically, much higher than northeast Brazil for instance and score lower in Pisa than Colombia
I'm pretty sure that's not true. But when people from other continents think of latin america they picture brazil and mexico, which is pretty sad
They're too good looking, too intelligent, too tall, too blonde and blue eyed. The next superpower. Oh yeah baby, they're gonna be flying rockets into Mars by the end of 2020. So different. So better.
Not true. Climates of Mexico
Brazil, for comparison
just be relevant, is that too much to ask? lmao
salty af
we don't consider ourselves latino deal with it
Please nuke us
How many do you want senpai
>Please nuke us
but you're relevant because you're a shithole
Nah. I don't fucking care. I'm just picking on you because you seem to take pride in being 'better' than other LatAm countries, but the reality is your country is extremely mediocre.
>you seem to take pride in being 'better' than other LatAm countries
in your deluded mind perhaps, we're pretty aware of our country's issues
We don't share a history with you. We have a different social formation and political and literary culture.
No need to be if you're ugly
I'm completely excluded from my country's sexual culture
Cope qliao
We don't share a history with Argentina or Mexico. We have a drastically different "social formation", whatever that is, as well; and our "literary culture", whatever that is, is also drastically different. Does that exclude us from the Latino category?