I'm a woman. If you don't believe, I don't care. I just came here for a simple question:
Why average men only take care of themselves when they are gay? This just proves you treat us like subhumans. Show me a single place when I can find so many athletic boys? But you all expect from us to be always beautiful and with sexy bodies.
>But you all expect from us to be always beautiful and with sexy bodies.
Just donĀ“t be obese and you can find dick
Liam Baker
I don't take care of myself, because I have absolutely no reason to. Who am I trying to look good for? The posters on the walls?
Mason Hernandez
I'm gay and all my straight friends are already married, fat, balding and smelly while I remain thin and happy as a teenager. I think that when straights reach 25 then don't care anymore.
>But you all expect from us to be always beautiful and with sexy bodies. not at all, just don't be fat.
Kevin Watson
There is a very big pressure in the gay world to have a good body. Sucks when you don't, but then it's great when you do.
Austin Wright
>I think that when straights reach 25 then don't care anymore. it's not the age it's the marriage
Anthony Williams
If you're fit you'll find a fit partner.
Jace Ramirez
tits or gtfo
Eli Green
Men care about looks more than women so gay guys do everything to look their absolute best
David Cruz
Gavin Green
An attractive gay dude has WAY higher standards than an attractive female. If you want to score with a hot guy, you've got a lot of competition in the gay scene. When I came out as gay I didn't have that problem, I'm a twink and there's a high demand for us, but if you're not a twink you've got to look good, hit the gym, dress really well, get buff, etc. Being gay is not for just anyone.
Kayden Butler
Dubs checked I unno I kinda noticed similar things here in Canada but like for me I need to stay active and in shape to ensure that my dealings with third parties always goes my way. I think it's because after x amount of years women grow cold or worse they compare their lives to their friends. I unno I'm just white guy that likes work.
Isaac Murphy
What if you're just trying to get your Neg hole pozzed, do you need to look good or just bend over for bareback POZ loads?
Colton James
Suck my penis Svetlana you ukranian prostitue .
Evan Miller
You posted a pic from the glorious brazilian federation, that's how our men looks like, that's how me and all our posters looks like we are chads, absolute chads
Gabriel Green
You can but probably not by hot dudes, an average man at best, someone slightly unattractive if you don't have standards.
Camden Rodriguez
Can you imagine being fat (not bear-style fat-strong, just plain fat) AND gay? must be even worse than being fat and straight.
just how much gay porn do femcels consume? and why is it to appealing to you?
Justin Jackson
Listen here, you're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, girl.
Jonathan Jackson
great, ukranian feminism is expanding, now prostitutes will be more expensive.
John Wright
God i hate trannies like op why do they have the necessity to tell people they are woman? why?
Ayden Phillips
ownership of her own sexuality, her body is paramount, it isn't designed for your entertainment and patriarchial supervision, you understand, pig?
Parker Rivera
I'm gay and I think this type of faggots are off putting and vomit inducing. You must be a femcel.
Jordan Campbell
Fat gay men will often pay straight men for sex, or at least oral sex. One the famous examples was Bobby Garcia. However at the end of the day, everything depends on your "diplomatic" skills
Ryder Clark
Very based and informative, thank you
Brody Martinez
What are you doing on this website on ramadan muhammad you smelly brown persian ? Do you want me to tell the ayatollas that ? And you will be hanging from your smelly hairy persian balls tomorrow ?
Robert Bell
>If you're fit you'll find a fit partner
Brody Edwards
That's not true. Gays have very low standards for the most part
Nathan Cooper
Joshua Baker
Fuck off, kike Why don't you just gas yourself you fucking Jew?
Samuel Flores
Short answer, because of the "male gaze" women are always expected to pander to it and keep it in mind if they 'want to get a man'. The inverse is not true for men. This is reminding me of the difference chart between most HSTSs and AGPs. Men not so much, that why gay men are expected to look good for other gay men. But, even if they're fat, there are still unashamed admires out there for them that have named communities i.e. Bears and Chubs.
Tyler Cruz
Don't tell me what to do muhammad you smelly muslim persian animal.
Wyatt Williams
don't you have babies to circumcise?
Jeremiah Allen
>Men care about looks more than women so gay guys do everything to look their absolute best
No, it's because you see us as inferior human beings. You think you don't need to please us anymore but we need to be always beautiful and always sexy in family gatherings, in parties...
Eli Roberts
I see average-body men with fat women on a daily basis.
Not here. Hit any gay bars in Buenos Aires if you ever come, you'll see it's way harder than a straight bar.
David Gray
Fuck that guy and fuck you filthy inbred J*w
Aaron Ramirez
It's funny because you tell women only think about money but I will tell you the truth, women act like parasites only when men only see the them as sexual objects. Notice when the men take care of themselves to please their girlfriends they will be way more respected.
Samuel Robinson
>Why average men only take care of themselves when they are gay? There is no need for us to do that. The people that care about that do it. I only care about not dying of heart disease so I do my morning runs and swim on the weekend.
>This just proves you treat us like subhumans. Now you are just being salty. It's not that hard to find a fit man, just go to a fucking gym. The problem is that you are probably not good enough to score one.
>Show me a single place when I can find so many athletic boys? Any sport club or gym that have young men.
>But you all expect from us to be always beautiful and with sexy bodies. That is not true. Women and fags are the ones responsible to tell how other women should look. That shit is not in my mind at all. I am designed to look for healthy young females that are fit for reproduction but that is usually not what I go for, since I know my value in the market, I usually just for nice girls around my age that are not too fat since they are much more approachable to me.
Isaac Diaz
This is surprising to me. Here gays will fuck literally any dude. My gay friend from high school told me that dates have like a 99% chance of ending in sex, no matter how poorly it goes, even if they absolutely hate each other.
Luke Bailey
I cant believe this shit thread made by a larping ukrop faggot gets some much attention
Owen Bailey
That's no way of talking about your dead father muhammad. You smelly brown persian animal.
Heterosexual men have nothing to work for anymore. Nothing to strive for. There are no good women and whats left of women only exists to compete with us. Gay men have somebody they actually care to impress, and strive to improve for.
Angel Baker
>father Says the kike whose father is also his brother
Jacob Cooper
Then you must be incredibly ugly if you are willing to bait incels for attention
Henry Long
Visit Britain, you'll see tall, attractive men being led around by a fat swamp donkey with multi coloured kids.
Samuel Hernandez
the man lives not for the looks, the man lives to accumulate resources