Why are brits so... **weird**...? You get what I mean, right?
Why are brits so... **weird**...? You get what I mean, right?
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nah don't get you mate
yes, i know what you mean - Dr-Who-weird
It's part of their charm.
Yes, or Wallace and Gromit-weird
I personally enjoy that kind of humor
centuries of dysgenic breeding
We were the original. They copied us.
I mean, look at this guy.
Because we have an IQ higher than double digits
>I-is that a hill? Great Pan, n-not a seal in an undeciphered language! Help me, idiot servant boy, I'm going insaaane!
what did they mean by this?
Monty Python is based
yeah because the people eating frogs and snails are the normal ones
*global pokerface*
There's always some oddity in them, I can't really point my finger on it. It seems that their idea of normality is slightly diverging from anyone else on earth.
say what you want about dr who, but stay the fuck away from W&G, you swine
the power stance has been around a long time
my local library had the wallace and gromit movie and when I watched it for the forst time at the age of 8 I thought their accents were made up and weird.
that's just a funny name, it's actually nice
low iq yank freak
La bise est tres bizzare a mon avis.
I like the brits *tips bowler*
based dozy dago
Anglo biscay relations have been good please don't dozy dago me sir. We are anglophiles round here.
listening to a British horror story from 1910 that goes into detail about hashish use but gives it a supernatural twist
yeah yeah whatever mate now uno san miguel
chop chop
That's it I'm lobbying for irish indepedence.
I'm sure your change of heart will make all the difference
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